Thursday, May 26, 2022

Storm Clean-Up of the Railroad

Storm Clean-Up of the Railroad 

We are quite fortunate in the fact that the railroad infrastructure was not damaged during the recent storm event which wiped a swath hundreds and hundreds of miles wide from the State of Maine to the southern fringes of Northern Ontario.

Unfortunately two of the three trees acting as sentinels in Mount St. Helens "blew their tops" (pardon the pun) and blew over into Fred's neighbour's yard.

A crew of us spent the better part of Wednesday morning clearing the debris from Len and Nancy's back yard and they were most appreciative.

We thank Bernie for this batch of images.  Here we see the devastation in Len's backyard.  The trees brushed against Len's Ham Radio communications antenna before hitting the surface of the ground.

The canopy blew over and off its supports.

This allowed us to remove it, swing it 90 degrees and re-position it...this time with the white side up to better reflect the rays of the sun.

Indeed, we fared okay!

Limbs across the fence.

A look in Len's yard.

A close shave for sure!

The Watson facility is "sans roof" as evidenced in this image.

Cows didn't go flying but Miss Piggy did!

That's a substantial section of the tree.

The two trees may not survive their injuries.

We see the base of Len's tower with a large limb out back.  Some branches dug right into the ground and were tricky to remove.

A look up at the top of the trees in St. Helens.

Fred's neighbour, Mike, came over the day before with his chain saw and went to work on the debris.

Pat, Pete and Fred in the process of raising the canopy once more.

Pat, Mike and Pete hard at work.

Who's this handsome lad!

I must be overdressed with that sweatshirt on as we sure heated up with all of the labour involved!

I had to call in on Len and Nancy to get them to move their car from the driveway.  That's when I discovered this nice view of Craig Leigh.  "Bernie, get your camera up here, I've forgotten mine today!" I shouted out.  "Come and snap this cool angled shot of your environs at Craig Leigh!" 

Street sweeper Pat hard at work!

Aha, maties!  It's Fred's tractor/trailer combination to the rescue!

Fellow skipper Pat, the lumberjack!

By the end of the morning the entire length of Len's property was covered with debris professionally placed there!

Thanks, again, Bernie for these photos.

All the best, Mike Hamer, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

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