Thursday, June 20, 2024

New Engine House For Nelson Yard Now Under Construction

Nelson Yard Will Be Getting a New Engine House

Bill sent along these pics from the work he & Doug Matheson conducted yesterday at Fred's...along with assistance from Doug Culham and Chris.

The lads worked until 11:00 AM in the crew lounge and then Bill decided to finish up this aspect of the project on his home workbench.

The lads feel this is a great idea seeing as the construction of the engine house will take up Bill's entire workbench area therefore he will want the project completed - pronto!

Also, thanks go out to Chris for 3D printing the windows.

Bill's workbench table top is indeed sprawling with the 3D windows printed by Chris.

I just received this e-mail from Doug.

Mike - The black background of the windows is black film.  There are no plans to cut real window openings and light the structure inside (even though Fr Fred likely dreams of it!), so the black film is in lieu of a real window opening.

Chris did a beautiful 3d printing job on the windows but we have a different strategy for the engine house doors.  Doug Culham dropped in to chat and was promptly sent out in the hot sun to retrieve the old rotten engine house - we were too smart get fried in the sun doing that!  Fred removed the doors from the old house and we test fir them in our engine house front wall.  A bit of adjustment and a new cut of the opening produced a nice fit.  Voila, engine house doors are ready for installation.

I lined the spacing for the battens on the walls and Bill glued them down.  As you mentioned, by 11 we had enough of the heat so Bill took everything to the RGS air conditioned shop to finish the job of the battens.

Chris sent along this response:
And, if I'm not mistaken, the doors that are being re-used feature brass hinges that were hand-made by Fred when the old engine house was originally built more than 20 years ago. 

The black film really stands out beautifully. 

Time to fabricate muntin bars. 

Good old board & batten will do the trick here!

The door opening is clear in this image. 

Bill has drawn out the locates for the windows.

Time to glue them in place and use the trusty weights to ensure a proper fit and alignment as the glue sets.

Looking great Bill!

The tools of the trade! 

We can't wait to see the finished product. 

The muntin bars are glued in place.

Thanks to Bill, Doug & Chris for their efforts here.

And...just who are these three fine individuals?  Why, here's Bill!'s Doug at my workbench!

Finally, here's Chris with crewmate and daughter, Olivia!

In this previously shared image we see the wall pieces lying around on the flat surface.

Bill found time to screw the four walls together!

As Bill said in his e-mail my way; 
"Mike...Wow!!! It's big!"

Have a great day everyone!
Stay cool under this massive heat dome we are experiencing!
We are the OVGRS of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

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