Sunday, October 23, 2022

Packing the Railroad to Bed For the Winter

Getting Ready For Bed 

Dilip has sent along some images from our winterization efforts for the railroad which took place yesterday.

I've added some of the pics I took from the morning as well.

I know Pat and perhaps Bernie snapped a few which we will add to this blog entry when they come in.

Typically the "Workday Wednesday" crew shuts down the railroad for the season.  This year we put out an "all call" for whoever was available on this fine Saturday morning to assist...and quite the crew we had come out.  These first few images came from Dilip.  Thanks for sharing, Dilip!  From left to right; Garry, Robin, Fred, Lawrence, Pat Malcolm, Andrew, Chris, Mike, Bernie, Moe, Sid, Ralph and Steve.  Dilip is behind the camera!

The standard "group shot" showcases the "Young and the Restless"...well, maybe half of that title!  (Big grin!)

It was a "Blue Sky" day with temperatures in the teens Celsius; perfect for packing the railroad up.

The umbrellas are all down.

They are being brought over to the dispatch hut.

Time to attack the canopy!

Back at the dispatch hut, the lads determine the best way to insert all the umbrellas along with the bar fridge and the large wooden cabinet.  Moe, Mike and Garry discuss how to put a square peg into a circle as Pat and Lawrence lift car tubs in the distance.

No problem!

Everything will fit in due course.

The naked skeleton for the canopy will allow the sun to shine on the crew lounge tables.

The canopy gets folded up in the distance.

Just like camping!

Many of the structures awaiting their bedtime ritual.

We awaited the arrival of our chief superintendent, Lawrence who has the packing up ritual down to a fine art.  We truly appreciate this very humble gentleman who does so much for the railroad!

Structures will find a winter hibernation "nest" atop the rails in Craig Leigh as well as at other locations along the line.  Steve, Andrew and Robin work things out.

Sid and Ralph offer their services.

Andrew, Steve and Robin get down to business.  Thanks for the cookies, Andrew!

Aha!  The dispatch booth has a new roof!

It was re-shingled earlier in the week.

Ralph and Fred enjoy the warmth of the morning's sun.

Dilip, Sid and Moe look up at the canopy as Pat looks down at his cookie!  (I had my eye on that one, Pat!)  Hehehe!

Andrew has the pliers in hand as Fred, Chris and Bernie look on.

Garry holds the lamp to ensure it does not crash down to the table.

Nice hat, Garry!

Malcolm appears airborne!

Bernie enjoys his cuppa java!

Garry too!

"Tastes good!" Chris tells us.

Robin and Moe solve a handful of the world's problems.

Ralph spots Malcolm on the ladder.

Bernie, Andrew and Lawrence investigate if any animals have created homes inside the piping found down in Peter's Pond.

Steve gets the power drill/screwdriver going.

Everything fits!

Coming along lads!

The car bins are found atop the Northland Ore Dock.  They will eventually find their way into one of the sheds.

Oh, the joy of power tools!

The covering is building up.


Fred and Lawrence in the lounge.

Sure looks different!

We still assemble around the lounge.

The good old tarp.

Hats protect the lads from the sun.

Hi Bernie!

Here's Ralph!

Our good friends, Dilip and Moe!

Ralph Yard manages to hold a handful of structures which will overwinter atop its rails.

Coming together.

Planking will help shape the canopy covering.

We're in Firgrove on the western front here.

Coming along.

Looking good!

More tarps come in handy to protect some of the tracks in St. Helens.

Those chairs lend a hand!

Chris ties things up in case the wind builds up into a wintry fury!

Andrew assists.

Coming along.

A look over to the wooded area.

Getting tucked away!

The shed houses the bins and a handful of structures.

Those doors won't open over the winter!

Happy campers!

Dilip checks some of his images as Andrew takes a well-deserved rest.

Lawrence conducts a final check of things.  Thanks, once again, Lawrence, for all that you do!

Some stones and bricks hold the canopy down.

It's really nice to have Andrew back in town!

Hi Fred!

The gang assembles near the sheds.

We're pretty much done now!

Fred is happy indeed!

Such a great group of friends!

There's Dilip in the group photo, third from the left!

We thank all of our volunteers who made it out on this fine morning.  Your contributions are greatly appreciated.  

We also thank all members of the OVGRS for their input throughout the season!  

Henk had sent along his best wishes to the group which we had shared a couple of weeks ago.  We miss you Henk! 

 Finally, thanks to Father Fred for hosting this great assembly of railroaders!

All the best, Mike and the entire crew, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

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