Sunday, September 22, 2024

Session #Lucky 13

Lucky #13 is the Winner!

A grand total of 24 members joined in the operations today at Fred's.

We were graced by a visit from Doug Matheson's son, Murray, and grandson, Henry.

Trains behaved themselves and Brennan Pass proved worthy on this day!

We dedicate this entry and this operating session to the memory of our good friend, Andy Clark, who passed away recently.  
In the image above taken during our "Invasion Weekend" back in 2014, Doug is in conversation with Jane, Andy's wife, as Andy looks out over Nelson Yard.

I'm chatting with Andy in Spruce while Doug listens in on what Jane has to say in behind.

Jane & Andy enjoy a bit of relaxation and humour during a break in the action.

Jane dispatches the railroad with tremendous confidence...a seasoned pro.

Bluestone Southern 421 departs Glen Hammond on a sunny summer morning in 2014.
This handsome paint scheme was dreamed up by Andy & Jane.

Bob takes a break with Andy.
We miss you Andy.  Jane, we are so sorry for your loss.
Our thoughts and prayers go out to your family and all of Andy's friends.
Thanks to Johnny and Barry for sending along links to Andy's railroad.

Copy and paste the link below into your computer's browser to see Andy & Jane's incredible Bluestone Southern Railroad.

We return to Saturday's train ops where we find Bob, the 'Bobber Brakeman' who will travel the rails bringing up the rear aboard Train 304 out from the Glen in short order.
Yes, his lantern is indeed a working classification light!  This is a wonderful scratchbuild by Grant!

Engineer Grant is already in the cab and eager to get underway as his awning helps to keep the low rays of the rising sun out of his eyes!

Grant's White Pass & Yukon steam locomotive holds the honours on 304 today.

Len's Northland Railroad steamer #48 will soon be departing east to Bell with Train 40.

There's Train 40 on the ready track in Firgrove.

During our narrow gauge operations we find some very interesting freight cars.
The Linville River Railroad was incorporated in 1896 with the aim of connecting with the East Tennessee & Western North Carolina Railroad at Cranberry, NC and extend twelve miles to Saginaw NC.

Yet another fine example.
Founded in 1893, the Florence and Cripple Creek Railroad was a three-foot narrow gauge operations running northward from junctions with the Denver & Rio Grande Railroad at the mill towns of Florence and later Canon City up the steep and narrow Phantom Canyon to the Cripple Creek Mining District west of Pikes Peak.  The line went out of business in 1915.

Love that logo!

One more lovely car.
The Port Orford Coast Railroad is a fictitious line modeled in Large Scale out on the Oregon Coast by Richard Smith.

Richard sent Fred this car as a gift a while back.

The logo is most impressive!

Pre-ops Pat lends a hand while Doug explains the locations for the cars.

Bernie basks in the rays of the rising sun!

Ditto Grant & Doug!

One of our dedicated WDWD crew members, Pat, is all smiles before the session commences.

Bernie has brought along a "pop-up" tent for the remainder of the patio which basks in sunlight.

It went up in about five minutes with four gentlemen manning each corner!

A green carrying case gives birth to a steam locomotive under the watchful eye of Dr. Knowles!

The steamer's birth as captured on video for The History Channel!

Passenger 2 commences its run eastward.

Video of Train #2 underway out from Firgrove.

Train #2 slows to a station stop at Bell.

Passengers arrive Bell in this video footage.

The western throat of Nelson Yard sees plenty of action to the delight of railfans.

The big curve leading into Bell is also an attractive railfan location which never disappoints!

Video recording of the action along the Bell Subdivision.

An artsy low-angle shot of IPP&W 302 taking the ladder to Track 3 at Bell.

Ladder track video fun!

The power for 303 assembles its train in Glen Hammond...

...while Len drives Train 50 downgrade into Bell.

Continued video presence in the western region of the railroad.

Ralph & Gerry continue with their tasks in Glen Hammond before seeking clearance to Bellamy and on through the junction.

Pat & Pete have now run around to the rear of their train to handle traffic at the Watkins Co-Operative spur and, perhaps, Brunt's Brewery.

Still more video near this area of the railroad to excite the eye!

These wide-bodied locomotives rival any others found in North America for their beauty and their brute strength.

Waycar 72 "makes its way" out from Glen Hammond on the bypass track near the eastern throat of Nelson Yard.

Train 304 is the video star in this scene!

Locomotive #7 threads the needle through the iron trusses of the Fred Mills Trestle as the old wooden span to the right captures this railfan's eye - the Lawrence Watkins Trestle!

Bridge video!

Aha!  Our recent maintenance work pays off!

Train 2 has successfully navigated the big curve out from Brennan Gap and has reached the depot in Peter's Pond.  
Management is indeed quite proud of the maintenance crew!

Video footage of the first train through Brennan Pass following the detailed maintenance work conducted recently at this location.

Cars of all colours adorn the tracks in Glen Hammond before the session gets underway.

Likewise Nelson Yard!

Lads arriving and lads 'coming and going' in all directions before the bell is rung to commence our meeting in the lounge.

Sid is all smiles as he has his fresh cup of coffee.  You shoulda seen him before the brew was poured!  
(Just teasin' ya Sidney!)  😄

Marcel is firmly planted on the ground - no flying for him with his wounded wing!  
He's smiling so much he's blurred the picture!  😎

It's great having Pete in town visiting from his home down east in Wolfville, Nova Scotia.  Can't wait to hear that saxophone playing!
Welcome aboard Pete!  👍👍👍

"Stick 'em up Mike!" Bernie grins!

So-o-o...I stick my hands way up in the air and inadvertently snap this image of an arriving aircraft!
Fred's property is immediately below the flight path of incoming planes on this morning and they certainly arrived at quite the regular interval of a few minutes!

The pre-ops meeting is about to get underway as the lads amass under the tent.

Then it's time to run trains!  "Yabba dabba doo!" as Fred Flintstone used to say.
A horde of operators congregate in Firgrove and Rat Portage. we have some of our regular operators breezing on by this railfan!

Colorado Southern #6 holds down Douglas Yard on this day.

Marcel and Pat act as yardmasters...actually co-conspirators in this game of trackside happenings!

Marcel is in the process of assembling second trick Train 313.

Douglas Yard video moves.

Passenger 1 is now out from Craig Leigh due in at St. Helens in a few minutes.

Passenger 1 departs Craig Leigh while the video camera is rolling.

Meeting at Mercer.

Video meet at Mercer Siding.

304's leader steps across the pedestrian walkway out from Mercer Siding.

Walkway video.

Because 304 will only work the Lower Peter's Pond area, they take to the far siding and leave the near siding vacant for the next crew who has to work up in Cedar Rock.

304's entry into 'The Pond' as seen in this video tape.

Train 302 has designs on Peter's Pond as it rumbles in behind the Ironwood Brick facility.

302 as captured on video eastbound through Wellington Lake.

IPP&W 302 reaches 'The Corners' enroute through Brennan Pass in short order.

Video footage in 'The Corners'.

It's an 'over & under' meet with 301 above and its counterpart 302 below.
Bernie & Peter are working St. Helens up top as Pat & Pete slow to a stop down below due to the mainline in Peter's Pond being occupied at the moment.

302 arrives Peter's Pond and takes the designated siding for Cedar Rock.

303 has protected itself on the Peter's Pond designated siding.

Peter's Pond video meet and greet!

Peter & Bernie have completed their work in St. Helens and have been cleared into Ironwood with the knowledge that an opposing IPP&W train will be occupying the main momentarily upon their arrival.

They have kept a 'visual' out for the crew of 304 and hold outside yard limits for the time being.

301's progress at 'The Plateau' as captured on video.

302 enters Ironwood from the east.

It's 'Redblack Bernie' with half of his face in shadow and the other half basking in the sun...kinda like...

...that famous "With the Beatles" album cover photographed by fashion photographer Robert Freeman.

Ironwood entry video session.

We check in on the RP&M Railway to find both crews down in Rat Portage.
Mark & Doug are on their way back from Stuart and are finishing up their work in town.

Steve & Seanna have arrived and await the signal to enter once the two lads are finished with their moves.

In behind we find George & Len relaxing after making up Train 322 now residing on the departure track.

Rat Portage happenings as witnessed on video.

Here are Bernie & Peter seen earlier working St. Helens near the beginning of their travels.

Indeed they are a happy lot!

The depot moved over to this location in St. Helens for the time being.

Passenger 1 & 2 meet at the depot in Glen Hammond.

Pete & Pat are occupied with their moves in the dappled shade of Cedar Rock aboard Train 302. is Doug Matheson's son, Murray, with Doug's grandson, Henry!

My...they sure do get around the railroad.  Henry likes the look of all those ore cars!

Speaking of ore traffic...a blog entry wouldn't be a true blog entry if we didn't have a couple of views of the ore train!

'Ore Train Bob' is climbing out from the pedestrian crossing.

With Nelson Yard somewhat congested at the moment, it is decided to route the ore train through Glen Hammond where the Nelson Yard crew can retrieve the ore empties for him from Fallentree Mine.

Ore train chatter as captured on video.

The ore train is routed along the outer track which will take it past the yard throat.

Bridge video.

Upon the arrival of the ore train into Glen Hammond, Nelson Yard begins to clear out with Train 311 heading out first.  
In the upcoming video you will hear how Train 312 was held back momentarily by the dispatcher - just for fun - as that crew had been razzing the dispatcher - just for fun as well!  😄😎😄

311's escape from Nelson Yard as caught on video.

Mere moments later, 312 is then cleared to depart Nelson Yard.

The operations are 'well balanced' as 311 and 312 are opposing counterparts and they both vamoose out from Nelson Yard within a minute of each other!

312's exit from Nelson Yard as witnessed in this video.

Hey Steve...what a lovely treat to see you out at Fred's on this day!

Steve's logo on his shirt.

A video interview with Steve telling us all about his trip to the Oshkosh Air Show!
George & Fred are in conversation in the background so you have to listen carefully!

With aircraft continually flying overhead, I believe it is time to wrap up this blog entry.

I have so many more pictures and videos from this session which I can share with you at a later date, but for now I think I will join 'Ore Train Bob' under the tent on the patio for a wee break!

Much later in the morning - actually at a time past the noon hour...Marcel gets to work at the BBQ.

Grant heads out onto the street to check out Mark's Jaguar!

Grant snapped these few shots of this beauty!

Grant gathers that it is a 1966 3.8L S type model.
Can we all go for a spin, Mark!  👌

That's it from me for now.  Here I am with three bandmates from the early 1980's.
From left to right:  Me, Enis & Ken.  We formed a band where I taught up near the Labrador in a remote fishing village for eight years.  
I'm holding my Jimi Hendrix Stratocaster. Enis has his acoustic guitar and Ken has a bass he built from scratch with electronics purchased from Heath Kit.  
I don't think I've aged all that much!  😎🙈😬

Pat joins Fred in the enjoyment felt each time we gather.
We thank Mother Nature for looking down upon us in a graceful manner on this day.
Check in later in the week for more 'action-packed' fun from today's operations.
We are the OVGRS of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

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