Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Views From Sessions #11 & #12

Not a 'Steam vs Diesel' Scenario

Seeing as I take many images from each of our operating sessions I often have 'leftovers' that I did not have time nor space to include in the original postings.

This allows me to 'catch up' every so often even though much time may have passed since the session in question took place.

This posting will showcase both steam and diesel runs from our last two sessions, Sessions #11 and #12.

Prince Edward Island Locomotive #32 idles the time away on the western yard lead outside Nelson Yard.

Chris created the angled wafer logo for his tender.

In Glen Hammond this Canadian National diesel is pressed into action even though its stanchions have been left in the shop!

A Canadian National switcher works Ralph Yard while a Santa Fe 'eyecatcher' handles ore cars up in Firgrove.

Mother Nature does her thing between Saturdays (and on Saturdays too - that is - rain) which keeps the Workday Wednesday crews busy each week.  
This photograph was taken on a Saturday morning even though the area was cleared on the previous Wednesday - relentless, I say!

We spot Passenger #2 and Train 302 staged and ready to depart Firgrove early in the morning.
I will devote the first half of this blog entry to Session #11 when we ran our narrow gauge equipment.

Seanna will handle the passenger run...

...while Steve will look after IPP&W Train 302.

Paul is basked in a sunny halo at the moment.

Garry handles Nelson Yard as chief yardmaster while Bernie assists him with his RP&M run.  
In the distance we see Pat aboard 303 and Moe with 304.  These are our two IPP&W trains that begin their runs at the midpoint of the railroad and depart in opposite directions to the eastern and western ends of the line.

RP&M 71 works the Bud-Lite Gouda siding on its way out from the big yard.

Passenger #2 is 'on the board' underway eastbound at 'The Ledges'.

Before Bernie departs aboard RP&M Train Rat 61, he must first work the sidings at Lilly and Fallentree Mine.

While Moe investigates an issue with his CP switcher, Seanna and Steve are spotted at Bell in the distance with their two respective trains.

Eastbound Train 302 reaches the verdant area known as 'The Corners'.

Video of 302's passage through 'The Corners' comes to an abrupt halt under St. Helens due to debris on the track.  
We will have to remember to inspect the trackwork beneath St. Helens as pine cones and vines can easily impact the train's ability to remain on the rails.

A parade of trains reaches up and into Spruce with the passenger run in the lead.

The ore train follows next.

And...finally the late running 304 brings up the rear.  The team track above in Spruce appears to be quite full at the time.

Procession video at Spruce.

Every youngster loves a parade.

And so do we!

Even though we are slightly older 'youngsters'!

Keep that parade a-comin' Mike on video!

The parade stretches out and ultimately spreads apart as the passenger run takes off for St. Helens.

The ore train enters the town of Ironwood at a slow pace as Bob takes to the layover siding where he will conduct his lifts from the Ironwood Brick facility.  
The late running 304 has remained back in Spruce to begin its work there - so we bid adieu to the parade of trains for the time being!

Exit video of the 'rows on rows' of trains in single file.

Today Bob is lifting the ore cars from Ironwood Brick.

Due to the facing nature of the move we sometimes ask an IPP&W way freight crew to get in there and conduct the lifts for the ore train and deposit them on an available siding.

No problem though...Bob appreciates the additional work as seen in this video covering the moment.

301 continues with its assigned work here in Ironwood as the ore train trundles along.

Bob's 2-6-6-2 Tank engine doesn't mind a bit of switching although she is designed for pulling!

Busy happenings as spotted on video!

Bob has placed his lifts onto the tail end of his train and is running around to the front along the siding track across from the mainline seeing as his lead ore car fowls the mainline route.  
Taking the far siding allows him to reach the mainline at a further turnout not shown in the image where he will be able to back onto his consist of cars.

Ironwood business as captured on video tape.

His power has successfully reached the mainline to the east of town where he is now able to back down safely on to his train.

Back-up moves on video.

Craig Leigh yard master, Doug, brings Train 31 down to St. Helens...a similar 'hop' as happens between Firgrove and Bell although the lading is different.

Train 31 on video in St. Helens.

It's nice to see the structures making an appearance up in Cedar Rock.  
George built the large platform I believe and I know Bruce built Chandler's Sludge!

The train you see in this video is 302 having departed Firgrove in the wee hours of the morning bound for Nelson Yard with its detour up the Cedar Rock Branch.  Steve is handling the chores aboard 302 this morning.

Let's check out a few 'still' photos from the session.  Here is Garry's CN sloped back tendered locomotive that was handed the task of working Nelson Yard.

Small in stature, she's got a big heart!

Over in the shade of St. Helens Doug checks out the situation as he will be bringing down Train 31 in short order (seen earlier in this posting) while Robin has reached town aboard Train 301.
It would be later in the morning that Robin would encounter the ore train in Ironwood, his next stop west.

Robin's Algonquin & Ottawa steam locomotive performs flawlessly thanks to Lawrence's input.

Here we are at the passenger terminal in Craig Leigh with the sun's rays basking over top the cars for Passenger #1 and Pool Train 33.

The maintenance crew is going to have a joyful time at some point in the near future as the entire length of Craig Leigh along the back of Fred's garage is going to be pulled up.

You will note that there are some newer looking planks beneath the rails...well that is all well and good.

Bernie tells us that many others have weathered the storms over a couple of decades and require replacement...especially those beneath the massive structures which reside against the wall of Fred's garage.  
This is no 'one day' job...it will require a dedicated team to spend a week full of days to complete.  The only question now is...when does the work commence?

The Northland Ore Dock was created over a couple of day's span...with Bernie & Fred getting 'down and dirty' but their efforts have paid off in a beautiful setting for the ore cars.  
Needless to say, 'Ore Train Bob' is pleased as punch!

And...speaking of 'Ore Train Bob'...here is the man himself with a great big smile!

Another gentleman with a smile is skipper Pat who picked up his new car from Lawrence's collection.  She's a beauty, Pat!

With Paul & Moe on cooking detail...this brings to a close our second look at Session #11.
I still have countless photos and videos from this day's operations that may very well appear in a blog entry during the 'off season' when we are all in withdrawal from running trains in the great outdoors.

Now...we switch over from steam to diesel...and in our books it is definitely not a 'steam vs diesel' scenario as pictured above - why, we love both equally!  No favourites in our family!

CN #1372 works the eastern end of Bell.  The locomotive brought the short hop down from Firgrove known by number as Train 40.  She will return as Train 41.

Way freight 301 has reached the first town on its westerly travels; Mount St. Helens.  (There's a story there to be shared about the name of this location - but that's a topic for another day!)  
The crew has their train in the siding and has already run around to the tail end to conduct their switching maneuvers at the 'facing only' sidings in town.

Look who's coming!  Passenger #1 is on the roll downstream into St. Helens with Sid at the throttle...errr...I mean...at the iPad!  👍😎👍

The ore train has its power and the air is good...time to depart Firgrove behind Passenger #2 and Train 302.   
This will create an interesting procession of traffic out from the western terminus in the early morning.  
Our CN switcher handles the chores in Ralph Yard.

I snap this shot of Passenger #2 from the side window of my dispatch hut.  "All aboard" has been called out with great volume and the crew is underway bound for Spruce.  
An S2 switcher recently acquired from the B&O holds the honours in Nelson Yard on this day.

Moments earlier the passenger train was spotted having arrived the station in Glen Hammond.

In those earlier moments, Train #2 had awaited the arrival of Train #1 which took the far track.

It's rare to see a 'tagged' freight car along the route of the IPP&W.   This specimen from the Southern Railway is found basking in the warmth of the September sun.

Earlier still...Moe departs Spruce with train 304 bound for Ironwood having held in the siding for a meet with Passenger #1 seen at the station in the far-off distance.

Aha!  There's Passenger #1 hanging out on the curve at Spruce with the depot's peak seen above the middle car in the train.

Train 304 now enters Ironwood with 301 holding on the siding.
 Train 303 is seen in the upper left corner where Chris is explaining to Peter his moves at Wellington Lake.  
Peter has just joined Chris as a crew mate after working with Bernie in the yard at Craig Leigh.

With 304's safe arrival along the main in Ironwood, Train 301 is now clear to move west to Spruce.

Video of their train meet in Ironwood.

Bob works the ore train in the foreground as Peter commandeers Train 314 along the fence line in back.

314 travels in behind Ironwood Brick before entering the forested area known as 'The Corners'.

Video along both subdivisions.  Our ore train is working along the Spruce Sub while Train 314 is traveling along the rails of the Bell Sub.

Train 302 has reached Peter's Pond and is currently traveling up the Cedar Rock Branch.

Dilip is at the helm of 302 on this day.

Video footage where I explain to Peter a little bit about the Cedar Rock Branch.

Train 314 exits Brennan Pass with Peter driving on a slow order under St. Helens.  Note the pedestrian crossing.

Yup...Steve & Seanna...I do believe we may just need signals to protect this crossing!

Busy pedestrian video.  In this video footage, Chris notices yet another car off the track in the curve and asks Peter to hold up on the throttle.  
This is definitely an area of concern that must be dealt with on Wednesday.
I am wondering if it is the curve or perhaps some issue along the straight section of track leading into the curve?  We'll investigate closely.

Fred's new switcher is kept busy at the eastern throat of Nelson Yard.

"Baltimore & Ohio...meet...Baltimore &Ohio!" Mike is heard to say!
Wow...every single track in Nelson Yard is occupied at the moment...even the far right one with the diesel off in the distance near the turntable!

A very hectic Nelson Yard on video.  Fortunately we have the very experienced Doug Matheson directing the proceedings with sidekick Andrew assisting.

Pool Train 33 has finished its work at Glen Hammond and is notching out to Bellamy.

The train is rounding the curve across the valley from Stuart.

Video of Train 33 on the roll out from the Glen.

Train 33 shuffles off into the distant sunlight while RP&M 72 holds the junction.

Gerry and Doug confer at Nelson Yard as RP&M Train 73 is being classified.  
Train 73 will have to back into the yard on any available track as we have an IPP&W crew (Steve & Seanna at right) waiting to depart the big yard with Train 311 and 73 is currently in the way.

In this video I hold Pat at the junction in anticipation of IPP&W Train 311 to follow the passenger train - even if I incorrectly identify the train as an RP&M one in my chat with Pat.  😎😕😀

With the junction finally available, Pat is able to cross over and begin his switching at Anderson.

Junction video footage.

Train 314 reaches Cedar Rock.

Chris & Peter have completed their moves and head back down the branch to Peter's Pond proper.

Cedar Rock video with 314.
The dominant sound you hear in this video is of a small airplane flying overhead!  🙉🙉🙉

Pool Train 33 reaches Bell and comes to a stop at the station before switching out the west house track now known as the Bernicky siding.

Bell video moves.

Milk 'empties and loads' will be exchanged here.

Sid oversees the operation as Garry mans the throttle.

Milk car exchange video at Bell.

Here comes Passenger #1 earlier in the session making its station stop at Wellington Lake.
Let's check out some more 'still' photographs.

Later, 302 is spotted at the same location traveling in the opposing direction.

Nelson Yard - in less busy times!

The house track in Glen Hammond will see an exchange of CNR reefers momentarily.

Nelson Yard - in busier times!

The sidings at Stuart parallel both railroad's mainlines to the west of Bell.

Cedar Rock offers many joyful challenges as there is no runaround track at the end of this branchline!

A loaded ore dock is a lovely sight to see!

Bernie checks in on some train movements in the distance.

He is able to keep his cool at all times!

Hey there`s my kind of car!

We know we are in Canada when we spot a CN and an Algoma Central unit in the same image!

In our books there is no steam versus diesel battle...we love running both types of locomotives!  😀😁😃

So...we will get Father Fred to hold a little discussion with these stubborn lads and, rest assured, they will become the closest of friends!

Here I am in southern Jordan traveling aboard another style of train - a camel train!  Heh heh!

Father Fred finds himself with the 'master set-out list' which he uses to reference the destinations for those cars that may not have reached their desired location from the previous session or for those cars that had to go inside the house for repairs.
Fred is always welcoming to friends from both near and far and we hope to see many of you out at our Saturday sessions.
We are the OVGRS of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

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