Friday, November 11, 2022

Lest We Forget

Lest We Forget

November 11th is the most special day on our calendar as we devote our minds and hearts to those who fought for peace and freedom. 

We think of those today who continue to do so in risking their lives for a better world including Joseph Hildebrand, a Canadian farmer who served two tours in Afghanistan and who volunteered to fight for Ukraine.  Joseph was killed recently dying doing what he wanted to do - helping our Ukrainian friends find peace in their country. 

We are truly thankful for all who served. 

While we exit this Week of Remembrance we honour and appreciate the sacrifices of so many in the battle for peace, freedom and liberty.

Our hearts continue to go out to our Ukrainian friends at this time.

I have found a few images from the Library of Congress which are "free share" and can be posted to our blog.  In the photograph above, we see servicemen waving from the open windows of a troop train departing a US military camp circa 1941-45 bound for the European shores during World War II.

Here we see French soldiers leaving a troupe train at the beginning of WWI circa 1914-15.

We find British soldiers on a train in France during WWI circa 1914-15.

American Soldiers board a train to go to war games during WWI circa 1910-15.

When I was teaching I hung this lovely banner in my classroom throughout early November.

I read many stories of Remembrance to my young students.

We catch a couple of young lads painting poppies as an art assignment.

The finished work.

Each pupil was proud of their creation.

A couple of the young girls carrying our "class poppy" to our Remembrance Day ceremony.

Other class wreathes are laid in honour of our fallen men and women.

My colleague, Christianne with her husband and one of her students at the ceremony.

Around the school, classes painted poppies in Remembrance.

Some examples of poppy art from the junior wing of the school.

Teacher`s shared "age appropriate" Remembrance stories all throughout the school.

Our front lobby is a solemn area during the Week of Remembrance.

More poppy art.

Our class wreath adorns the hallway with some of the artwork.

Indeed, we shall never forget the sacrifices of the men and women during the war effort.  Thank you for taking the time to examine these images reflecting the solemn nature of this past week.

As always, we thank Father Fred for hosting us each week to run trains and enjoy all that the sessions bring us!

May we never forget the sacrifices of so many.
Thank you for checking in!
All the best, Mike Hamer, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

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