Saturday, February 18, 2023

Brian Pinkerton as "Dad - Working On a Train"

 Brian Pinkerton - "Dad - Working On a Train"

David Pinkerton kindly sent along these wonderful images of his father, Brian, working on the outdoor garden layout at their home where they host guests down in Picton.

The property is gorgeous with its view out over the water.  The railroad is outstanding as well.

Since only images were sent I've provided very short captions without ever having visited the railroad.

David's father, Brian, is a "salt of the earth" lad getting down to the business of track laying.

Remember:  You can enlarge the images by clicking on them and return to the default page by clicking outside them.

And...what gorgeous trackwork his is building.  Note the Rube Goldberg spacer tool Brian uses to help keep the trackwork parallel in this area.


Love that small town feel!
Here is the e-mail David sent my way:

Hi Mike! 
I just sent you a folder of pics from Dad working on the train over the summer. Most of his time was dedicated to building the trussels. Our train friend Russ Rose died and his track was laid down to create three tracks that run around the yard. 
He did a lot of the wood working in the garage. Big pieces measured and built and then small spots filled on site. It is very impressive to look at but similar to success in life, just the same successful design that works, done over and over and over and over again until an impressive structure looms in front of you.
I spent some time building up the grades and most of my time prepping and cleaning up.
Please let me know if you can't get the pictures. I am happy to answer any questions.
Feels like train weather outside!

Work progresses.

An artful shot for sure!

Brian obviously works "from dawn to dusk"!

In the workshop.

Measure twice, cut once!

The gardens are spectacular.

As are the bridges!

Hefty work indeed.

A series of repetitive steps...

...results in a beauty like this.




The tools of the trade.

Getting there.

Don't lean back!

Two pools of water help to adorn the railroad.



Another pool of water in the distance!

I'd like to go for a sail!

Checking the grade.

Built "off site".

A massive endeavour.

One piece at a time.




Hard worker.

A dreamer!



In all seasons.

Same image in portrait mode.

Never quit attitude!


From above.

Simply gorgeous.

Under the fir.

At dusk.

The stable.

A beauty!

Earning its keep.



A visionary.


Lovely in the fading rays of the sun.

Boundless beauty.

Worth a visit!

Great gratitude.

Thank you so much, David, for sending these great images along of your father, Brian, "working on the railroad"!

Perhaps when the group makes a visit down to Barry's in Belleville, we could make a "side trip" for an hour or so to visit this incredible railroad.

All the best, Mike Hamer and the OVGRS group of railroaders Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

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