Sunday, December 10, 2023

Christmas Season Camaraderie

Christmas Season Camaraderie!

On Saturday many of the OVGRS clan gathered in the board room at Fred's place for our annual AGM meeting hosted by Fred, Doug M. & Henk. 

After the brief meeting it was time to indulge in some good fun, camaraderie and great food including Steve & Seanna's excellent chili and all the other treats brought out by Steve M's lovely wife and all others!

I'd like to thank Pat & Chris for sending a few pics my way to go along with the many I snapped.

This is really funny picture Chris sent my way.  Check out the facial expressions of the gang!  His caption went something like this:

Hey Mike - here's a photo from the other side of the room. Apparently this was taken during a very serious part of the meeting, where Doug made the gloomy announcement that the railroad will not be open for operations for at least another 5 months from now!

Love it, Chris!

Pat sent along these next five images my way - taken during the many and varied discussions.

We reviewed our year and agreed that the past train operating season was a great success even though Mother Nature wasn't always on our side.

We came up with a plan to replace the trackage in one area of the railroad where the roadbed has seen better days.

The great thing about this group is the fact that when any individual spoke, everyone listened attentively.

But we had a lot of fun as well!

Thanks Pat & Chris for your images.  The remainder come from me.

Rather than create some captions, I'll simply share a few Christmas tales.

What did Adam say on the day before Christmas?
It's Christmas, Eve!

What did the bald man say when he got a comb for Christmas?
I'll never part with it!

What happened to the man who stole the Advent Calendar?
He got 25 days!

What did the wise men say when they offered up their gifts of gold and frankincense?
Wait!  There's myrrh!

Why are elves such great motivational speakers?
They have plenty of elf-confidence!

What's the absolute best Christmas present?
A broken drum - you can't beat it!

What's the difference between the Christmas alphabet and the real alphabet?
The Christmas alphabet has Noel!

Who is never hungry at Christmas?
The turkey - he's always stuffed!

Who's Santa's favourite pop star?

What do snowmen eat for lunch?

What do you call a snowman with a six-pack?
The abdominal snowman!

Why is it so cold around Christmas time?
Because its Decembrrr!

Why is the Grinch such an excellent gardener?
He has a green thumb!

How do Christmas trees get ready for a night out?
They spruce up!

What's a Christmas tree's favourite candy treat?

What do you call cutting down a Christmas tree?
Christmas chopping!

What happens if you eat Christmas decorations?
You get tinsel-itis!

What's the difference between Santa Claus and a knight?
One slays a dragon, the other drags a sleigh!

What do you call a broke Santa?
Saint nickel-less!

Why does Santa go down the chimney?
Because it suits him!

How much did Santa's sleigh cost? was "on the house"!

How much does it cost to run Santa's sleigh?
Eight bucks, nine if the weather is bad!

How does Santa keep track of every fireplace he has visited?
He keeps a log!

Knock knock!  Who's there?  Honda.  Honda who?
Honda first day of Christmas my true love sent to me...

Why did the Christmas tree go to the barber?
It needed to be trimmed!

Knock knock!  Who's there?  Freeze.  Freeze who?
Freeze a jolly good fellow, freeze a jolly good fellow!

Freeze a jolly good fellow indeed!
Merry Christmas and Seasons Greetings from all in the OVGRS family to you and yours!
All the best, the clan of the OVGRS,
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Notice to readers: No writers were harmed in the printing of the Christmas jokes!  
Ho Ho Ho!'s G G G around here!

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