Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Session #13 Second Post

More Looks at Session #13

It's time for a second look at our most recent session held this past Saturday.

Our Narrow Gauge fleet of cars were the performing artists.

Fred held down the fort in the crew lounge while a large gathering of us rambled around the property following our trains wherever they were heading!

Two items to note pre-ops; a locomotive in its carrying case and our battery operated blower for handling nature's debris found atop the rails throughout the entire property.

Bringing up the rear of 302, this Ironwood Road van relaxes in the shade with the remainder of her consist taking in the 'sunny side of things' here in Firgrove.

A lone gondola is spotted at the Hamer Manufacturing facility for the time being.

There's Bernie's tent canopy once more!

Glen Hammond is the home for the crews who man IPP&W Trains 303 & 304 at the beginning of the day.

Marcel's C&S #6 looks very relaxed in a yet-to-fill Douglas Yard.

The pre-ops meeting commences in short order.

Father Fred stands to call attention as proceedings are about to get underway.

304 has been given clearance from dispatch to proceed east to Spruce.

Moments earlier crewmates Grant & Facility finished up their switching work here in the Glen.  
Off in the distance Gerry & Ralph worked the opposite end of the yard aboard 303 in this photo taken from inside my dispatch booth.

The four track yard in Glen Hammond easily handles two crews working both ends of town simultaneously.

A look from the far end of the Glen shows the dispatch hut.

Ralph's locomotive powers 303's train today.

The crew aboard RP&M Train Rat 61 must work the industries at Lilly before aiming for RP&M rails.

They are busily assembling their train.

In the meantime Passenger 2 has already reached Wellington Lake.

Yet another vertical meet...somewhat similar to...

...this vertical meet of a triple variety located in Richmond, Virginia.

Vertical meet video work.

The ore train saunters out from Bell on its easterly voyage.

Ore on the move on video.

The rails are getting polished down in Peter's Pond with 303 protected in the siding for the meet with the ore train.

Peter's Pond meet video.

With the passage of the ore train, the mainline between Peter's Pond and Wellington Lake becomes a 'clear alley' for 303's departure.  
They will reach Wellington Lake after traversing Brennan Pass.

303's exit from Peter's Pond as found on video.

303 exits the scene heading forth beneath St. Helens.

303's continued progress is shown on video.

Up in Spruce we find Robin with Passenger 2 conducting its station stop.

Spruce video.

Grant's waycar is spotted 'up close' on the plateau between Ironwood & St. Helens.

Waycar video views.

Up in Ironwood Bernie aligns the turnout for the ore train to take the near siding.

Ironwood video.

303 announces its arrival into Douglas Yard at Craig Leigh.

The crew will complete their first trick of the morning, then they will board Train 314 westbound back to Nelson Yard.

Douglas Yard video efforts.

The crew has uncoupled from their train and they head back to the wye to turn their locomotive.

They will hold momentarily as the ore train has just arrived and requires the wye to back the ore cars onto the ore dock.

Here's "Ore Train Bob"!

Ore is welcomed into Craig Leigh in this video.

Pat & Marcel have the whole district under control as Felicity & Grant anticipate their departure with Train 314 in short order.

The tail end of the ore train leads the way along the closest leg of the wye.

Backing video of ore.

Bob's van has working marker lights.

Ore train van video.

Bob's power pushes the ore cars onto the massive dock.

Engine Number 455 is up to the task.

Sid & Robin will man Pool Train 33 seen in the background departing the passenger terminal as Marcel handles the ore traffic on the dock with his wounded wing.

Ore dock video effort.

A&O locomotive #2 will take charge of the Pool Train for this day.

Train 33 snakes its way through Douglas Yard.

The train heads back onto the main at the far end of the yard.

Video of the Pool Train's departure out from Craig Leigh.

Earlier in the AM hours, Train 301 was spotted working the facing sidings in St. Helens.

Bernie & Peter converse regarding their moves here.

We've managed to capture the meet of the two first trick passenger trains in Glen Hammond at the midway point of their respective journeys.

We are in the domain of 'The Pond' where a triple meet is spotted by this railfan.

The crew of 301 have ensured all cars are spotted at their proper industries along the lengthy sidings in St. Helens.

In the distance we see Sid working in Peter's Pond with Pat spotted further away in Craig Leigh.

No, it's not 'The Kingston Trio'...why...it's 'The Ottawa Trio'!  
Which songs will ye be a-singing laddies!

An aging steamer from logging days manages just fine hauling passengers westward through Wellington Lake on this day.

We look across the terrain at Spruce to see Pete & Pat up at the end of the Cedar Rock Branch with Felicity & Grant off in the distance in St. Helens.

Pat's locomotive  gets another 'curtain call' on this morning hauling lading across the land aboard 302.

She handles the work well and manages to catch our attention on her return trip back down to Peter's Pond.

Cedar Rock had been expanded a few years back under the planning and direction of Lawrence's creative mind.

Felicity ensures the stock cars reach the cattle pens as the crew uses the layover track to assist with their switching.

Here the water car is stationed on the fuel depot track which offers an available spur for the much needed water used to assist in battling any forest fires in the region.

Grandpa Doug chats with grandson Henry while Andrew relaxes in the shade offered by his patio umbrella in the big yard.  
Indeed, Nelson Yard seems relatively quiet at the moment.

Gerry & Ralph arrive Bell on Track 3 which allows them to work the interchange track with ease.

RP&M Train 72 is on its return journey back to Nelson Yard with a stopover in Rat Portage to handle a few chores there.

The Hamer Manufacturing facility is laden down with traffic.  We wonder what was delivered on the flat car and what lading may be going out on it.

Ralph & Len investigate a loose bar on Ralph's locomotive.

A trio of steamers in all varieties and sizes help fill up the entrance area at Firgrove.

A quick glance around showcases just how busy Nelson Yard can be at times.

This image is taken from the western end of the property looking over Nelson Yard as the crew of Rat 61 are busily making up their train.  
Nelson Yard and Glen Hammond are actually located at the midpoint of the IPP&W Railway.

With their work complete at Bell, Train 303 is cleared up to Firgrove.

The west is a busy place as witnessed in this video.

White Pass engine #14 reverses to board its train.

In mere moments the crew will be cleared through the junction back to Nelson Yard.

White Pass video in Rat Portage.

303's train has arrived Firgrove as Len uncouples the locomotive from its consist.

The tail end of 303 rests beside the crew's next trick train on the departure track.  This will be IPP&W Train 314.

Ralph hauls on to the turntable.

Video of the locomotive's arrival at the turntable!

Ralph does the honours with the 'Armstrong'!

Swinging video action up in Firgrove.

You saw a few images ago Len & Ralph examining Ralph's locomotive.  
The problem was a loose rod hanging down which is barely visible in this image.  
In the next video you will see it hanging there in a clearer manner.

Ralph trundles down the arrival track heading for the head of Train 314.

Hanging rod video.

Henry follows the ore train into Ironwood.

Bernie & Peter work 301 at Spruce.

A Henry video!

Aha!  Pool Train 33 sweeps around the big curve leading into Spruce.

The crew will have to spot a headend car at the house track in behind the depot.

In the distance you can see the short house track leading up to and terminating just before the station.

Video of Train 33's arrival at Spruce.

The crew aboard 301 are asked to assist the Pool Train with its car needing to be spotted in town.

Video of 301's 'assist' for the Pool Train.

The crew shoves the car over to the house track as Train 33's engine rests on the main, just short of the station.

Continued video of the assist at Spruce.

There we go!  The headend car has been dropped on the house track and the combine bringing up the rear of the train will be returned to Train 33.

Video of the set out assist.

301 runs the combine back to the Pool Train.

Robin offers up a big "Thank You" to the way freight crew for their services offered here.

Final video of the 'teamed' event at Spruce.

Later on, the Pool Train is found charging through Mercer Siding on its way into 'The Pond'.

At the same time, the crew of 301 finish up their run taking the big curve at Lilly with their destination being Nelson Yard.

Crossing the signature steel trestle we spot 301 onward ho into Nelson Yard!

301's run as captured in this video footage.

Yardmaster George has things all cleaned up in Firgrove.

Earlier, Pete enjoys the shade offered by Bernie's portable canopy.

Business must be booming at Brewer's Barrels with a couple of cars and a pickup found in the parking lot.

The outdoor crew lounge is a busy place both before and after the operating session.

Another musical trio...Darrell with his brother - Darrell...and...cousin - Darrell!

Curly & Moe...no...it's Doug to the Power of Two!

Here is the fuel that runs our internal engines!

Speaking of engines...this puppy must have a good one under the hood!

Indeed, Grant is all smiles on this morning!

Everywhere we look around the property, you will find train crews a-runnin'!
You will also find some lovely examples of nature at its best with the massive Hosta adorning the far end of Spruce.

Pat Brennan sent me a few pics from a trip he took to the "Merry Times".  
Could this be Bill Linley at the museum?  Why, yes it is!

The old depot at Erinsville.
Thanks Pat...for the pics!

Here I am with me 'mom-in-law' from a few years back.  
She just turned 98 years old last week!

And here is Fred...always welcoming and excited to see visitors to the railroad!
Fred, along with all of us, enjoys dreaming up ways of improving the railroad and much has been done this season to do just that!
We have less than a month remaining before the Canadian Thanksgiving when we decide to put the railroad to bed for the off-season.  
Until then 'Happy Train Running" it will be.
We are the OVGRS of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

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