Saturday, November 18, 2023

Workday Wednesday Magic - November 15th

More Jigstones Magic From the WDWD Crew

Doug just sent my way his account of the tremendous efforts the Workday Wednesday crew put forth this week in rejuvenating our stone structures for the railroad.

All of these accounts are written by Doug with the great photos submitted by Bernie and Doug.  On behalf of the entire OVGRS family, thanks lads!

Wednesday morning, Fred rose very early and fired up the wood stove in the shop.  When a few of us (Bill Scobie, Lawrence Watkins, Bernie Goodman and myself) arrived shortly after 9:00 AM, the shop was warm and cozy.  The task for the day was to complete the Scobie's Fine Foods building from Craig Leigh by making a new roof.  

My thanks to Bernie as he and I took turns photo-shooting the repair process.

 Bill started off the process by laying the two main roof pieces out on some very heavy styrene sheet stock.  I didn't get the thickness but it may have been as heavy as 1/8 inch.

Using the old adage of measure twice and cut once or as is usually in our case, I cut that three times and it is still too short!, the roof pieces were trial fitted and then trimmed a bit for a good fit.

Once the roof pieces fit satisfactorily, contact cement was brushed on both the sub roof and the styrene roof pieces.

Next, then two roof pieces were glued in place - with contact cement you only get one shot to position the piece so we were careful to "get it right"

                                and then the other side

With the roof in place, it was time to consider the roof cap over the peak.  Bill has a brake - a hobbyist version of the ones used by the sheet metal installers.  His plan was to bend a piece of styrene to fit and then hot glue it in place.  Fred has some reservations!

Here is a photo of the brake Bill used to bend the styrene

The roof cap bent and ready to install.

Bill "hot glue" Scobie in action applies the glue to the roof cap

And then the roof cap was put in place and held as the glue set.

There were some tense moments as the crowd had doubters on the strength of hot glue


With the roof cap in place it was time to fabricate the strakes to complete the roof.  Bill cut them and I applied MEK

Then the strakes were put in place on the roof and more MEK applied for a secure bond.

That completed the building

It was decided that painting the roof could be done in spring outside...the building was stored in the narrow gauge shed where it had room to slide in.

Next Wednesday, work will continue on the Craig Leigh station.  Lawrence spent some time making a repair to part of the station before the main building was moved from the Annex into the shop.

 As the session ended, there was a brief discussion on how to proceed with a replacement station for Glen Hammond.  The new station would be built in 1:24 scale as a single story with a waiting room flanking the operators bay on one side with a baggage area on the other.  The exterior would be board and batten.  Based on this, construction will start after the Craig Leigh station is repaired. 

Thank you Doug, Bill, Lawrence, Bernie & Fred for your tremendous efforts in the "off-season" which will ensure we have awesome structures in great shape when we open the railroad for train operations next year!

In other news, check out these amazing passenger trucks Chris has been working on for Doug's O-scale passenger car.

They look fabulous Chris!

As always, I will keep everyone updated on any developments from our devoted WDWD team!

All the best, the WDWD crew of the OVGRS, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

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