Saturday, May 18, 2024

Saturday's Escapades at Fred's Place

Saturday's Events at Fred's Home

Hey gang!  We were supposed to host our inaugural session today but a few things got in the way.

Fred is now feeling better but he wasn't feeling too well early in the morning.

The radar was "iffy" as to "whether" or not the "weather" would hold out for to make a long story short, we cancelled the operations.

Some folks showed up to run trains as the cancellation was called around 6:30 AM and not 6:00 AM but we made the best of things with the people who showed up.

Many folks became involved with many "household" items requiring attention while Fred recovered fully inside the house.

Bernie, Doug, Pat & Andrew pose for an early morning picture before everyone got down to work.

Bill & Pat pose indoors.

Ralph took advantage of "clear" rails to run his Alco unit around the grounds to help break it in.

Sid looked on with a smile.

Running through Spruce.  Note how some of the other lads on hand managed to erect all of the umbrellas.

Bernie got out the name tags he created for George and Len to be placed in Firgrove.  Alas, we will await their arrival for next week's session as they know the location of all tracks in their respective yards.

Little ole me began planting a variety of Hosta plants in the location known as "The Corners".

I pose for the Centerfold!  (Wishful thinking, Mike!)

The far Hosta came from David Jeanes's wife, Helga. The next one nearest to the camera came from my home garden.  The two closest were borrowed cuttings from the "Rust Garden" which holds a number of Hosta plants.

In the meantime I railfan some of the action down in Peter's Pond!

Sid has brought out his Great Northern S4 #6.

Hey!  They call it "Mellow Yellow"!  That's right!

Bernie has been at it again!

For homework, Bernie brought a number of track bumpers home to repaint.

They look great Bernie!

Sid and Ralph are found along the RP&M down in Rat Portage.  Ralph offers up a wave to the railfan!

There's Sid in the cab now!

Moments earlier the train made it past the Rat Portage depot.

Looking good, Sid!

Even earlier the train was found up in Bell.

One of our water towers rests beside the engine house in Craig Leigh.


Ralph's and Sid's carrying devices.

Bernie, Andrew, Bill, Pat and Ralph check out the action that is frequently found down in Peter's Pond.

Sid works the throttle.

A true beauty of an engine.

Ditto here!

Another look at Hosta Junction!

A verdant landscape!

Andrew's smile tells us something is happening!

Bernie's up to something as well!

Oh oh, something indeed is we spot the level and the area where a section of track has been removed.

What are the lads up to?

Seeing as the weather was cooperating, Andrew, Bernie & Mike considered checking out the team track at Spruce that had been bothering all three of them for some time now.

The reason being - it was located on a slope in the roadbed and all cars spotted there required a "brake" clip to hold them from rolling.

So-o-o we said we would put it on our list of "things to do" this coming Wednesday when the WDWD crew would gather.

But Andrew said to Bernie and me, "Why wait until Wednesday?"

"There's no better time than now!"

Well, we agreed with Andrew!

And thus, the leveling of the team track was underway.

An easy job...not!  For Andrew and I had to take turns in the humidex temperatures sawing away at the brace that travelled beneath all three track roadbeds in order to isolate the team track planking.  We had to saw away the brace in two locations along the length of the plank.  Bernie held the crowbar in place to allow us more access to the under roadbed brace and then the sawing could get underway.

To say the least we got one heckuva workout!

The board is in place.  The reason it appears a different colour is because we realized that the original roadbed for the team track had been placed "cup up".  We have flipped the board "cup down" which is how all roadbed lengths should be placed.

The level came in handy.

Fred had taken some more painkilling medication and was able to make an appearance in the great outdoors.

He felt very happy to be able to pitch in as he was able to cut the rail at the location that we had marked.

Bernie begins hammering in the new rail and ties.

Here we see the end of the team track with a track bumper that Bernie will take home to paint.  While you may not notice it too much from this angle, the team track now is lower than the main and passing siding as it is on the level and they are not.  It actually looks pretty cool!

The new siding houses five cars.  Andrew rails a sixth car which we will use to test the tolerance near the turnout.

Getting closer!

Yup, the car clears!

We have determined that even the widest of steam locomotives will also clear the siding should it house five cars - cars that no longer roll on their own!  Yabba dabba doo!

The boys look over their efforts.

Looking good!

A view from the other end of the siding.

A lower angle view.

This close-up view shows that the track bumper has been "bumped" off the end of the road bed.  No worries - as we will install a small length of wood to be placed beneath this end of the track bumper.

Andrew looks out over the latest creation on the railroad!


We love the nice "woodlawn" garden appearance of the Hosta plants in "The Corners".


These next batch of images were sent my way by Bernie.  Here we spot Andrew cutting the long roadbed section at the desired location where the transition of slopes will take place.  Yes, we were careful not to have a horizontal kink in the track!

Andrew and Mike are "Smartie pants".  Tbey make use of the dolly to carry that heavy bag of stones.

Bernie captured Fred looking at the action from afar.

Mike works the rail joiner in place.

Another look at Father Fred & Andrew at the workbench near the shed as Fred cuts the rail.

Bernie snaps a picture of me snapping a picture!

The lads are happy that the job is now complete and the area has been cleaned up!

Indeed...happy lads!
Thanks for these wonderful images, Bernie!

Fred offers up a smile even though he is still in considerable pain.

You are a real trooper Father Fred!
Thanks to everyone who managed to make it out and apologies to those who drove great distances with the intent to operate today who arrived to find the train operations cancelled.
Hope you feel better soon, Fred!
All the best, the OVGRS of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

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