Friday, July 5, 2024

Workday Wednesday Happenings July 3rd

Workday Wednesday Happenings - July 3rd

The weather was gorgeous once again on our Workday Wednesday this week.

Too bad we can't convince Mother Nature to translate the same weather conditions over to the Saturday as we have been missing out on our train operations for some time now due to inclement weather.

At any rate, this blog entry details some of the happenings this week at Fred's place and elsewhere.

I arrive early to find Fred working away in his workshop.

His workbench resembles that of so many other modellers.
When Tony Koester of Model Railroader Magazine visited my railroad he was amazed to find a tidy workbench.  He indicated to me that his workspace was so cluttered that he had about the same space to work in as we see here at Fred's!

Fred  shows me his latest efforts with the couplers on some of the cars.

A big smile from the handsome lad!

In this video Fred explains just how the work should be done!

Some of the cabling for the electronics to be installed in the Nelson Yard engine house.

The windmill has been repaired and lubricated.

I will use these old coat hanger wires to install the windmill back at its position in Ironwood.

Here is where it will be installed where I will place the anchors lower down on the base of the windmill and insert the wires as far into the ground as I can.

Job done!

Terry arrived with a box full of equipment.

Chris was on hand as well.

Skipper Bernie too!
Bill made it out but I did not get a picture of him.

Chris surveys the mainline for any weeds that have grown since last Wednesday that would impede the movement of trains.

Bernie fabricated new signs for some of our town locations.

Seanna & Steve arrived and got down to work on the electronics for the pedestrian crossing.

It's coming along!

Their efforts are greatly appreciated.

With the rains we have been experiencing which have cancelled our operations a few times recently, the grass is growing  quickly.

Each Wednesday it requires cutting.

Thanks Bernie!

Terry sets up his live steam locomotive for a run around the IPP&W.

He shows me the "Rube Goldberg" linkage behind the tender.

Pencross Railway #24 sits in Craig Leigh with Terry's remote throttle to control various aspects for the locomotive visible in the foreground.

Yes, even the Walschaerts valve gear is controlled remotely!

Terry's lovely logo akin to our CN wafer looks fabulous!

Let's check in on what Terry has brought out to "test run" on this day.  Our video showcases his locomotive.

Terry explains his "Rube Goldberg" coupler linkage and the remote control system in this video effort.

This video details the light Terry installed in the steamer.

Terry explains in this video how the engine has to "clear its throat" before getting underway.

Continued clearing of the engine as captured on video.

Speaking of clearing of the throat, how about clearing of the branches that have fallen on the tracks from the trees above as seen in this video!

Video of Train Extra 24 underway out from Craig Leigh.

Rounding the bend (in under the vines) near Northland as seen on video tape.

Video of Terry having used the valve gear to slow the descent of the train down the grade.

Video of the train running through Ironwood and rounding the curve into Spruce.

Video out from Spruce and down the hill at Clarke Grade.

Continued video footage along the peninsula at Lilly.

Chris continues to clear debris ahead of Terry's run as captured in this video.

A wee spider catches a ride aboard the engine as Terry finally runs out of fuel on his return run east at Bell as witnessed on this video.

This image shows Terry refueling the locomotive.

Our little spider can just be seen hanging from the lamp against the black are of the engine.

Our final video for this entry showcases Extra 24 on approach to the junction.

Meanwhile, across the river in Aylmer, Quebec, Bill has been toiling away with the Nelson Yard engine house at his home.

The old rattle cans come in handy here.

Bill is using the styrofoam meat trays to help keep the interior of the engine house clear of paint.

Looking great Bill!

A day or so later Bill sent me these progress images taken inside his workshop.

With the windows Chris had fabricated with his 3D printer the structure is coming along nicely!

Let's play peek-a-boo, shall we!

A cup of coffee goes down well after a great building effort, Bill!

On Canada Day Malcolm was in position near Lebreton Flats just outside Pimisi station and was able to photograph the whole celebratory Flypast parade which included Garry's Gipsy Moth leading the group. Here is a shot of Garry's plane which Malcolm captured.

.On behalf of Fred we thank you all for tuning in to this blog entry.
Here's hoping for improved "weekend" weather so we can finally get our operations underway once more.  
The weather during the week has been let's hope Mother Nature keeps up the pace!
We are the OVGRS of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

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