Sunday, August 9, 2020

They Call Me "Mellow Yellow" - Quite Rightly!

I'm Just Mad About Saffron

Yes, we are all familiar with that song written by Donovan in 1966, "Mellow Yellow".

Donovan was a close friend to the Beatles...

...and he was known as the "Hurdy Gurdy Man"...

...after his album (and song) of the same name was released in 1967.

You may also remember the tune "Sunshine Superman" also written by Donovan.

Well... seems on this morning in Ottawa in August...

...that we have two Donovans... the helm of trains...

...along the route of the Ironwood, Peter's Pond and Western RR.

They are driving their trains... their "mellow yellow" tones...

...and railfanning themselves...
(Here's Mark enjoying the progress of his train)

...along the route.


...seeing these trains being made up...
(That's Jim watching Marcel depart Craig Leigh)

...and run... a "mellow yellow" fashion...

...helps to mellow us all out... these crazy...

...Covid times!

There are a multitude of well-known songs with "yellow" in the title.

How about "Yellow Bird"?  Marcel and I were actually humming that one on the day!

Or "Yellow Submarine" seeing as Marcel's unit ore train is heading into the depths of "The Corners".

Our very own Joni Mitchell wrote "Big Yellow Taxi".

Fred and Mark continue to brainstorm songs with "yellow" in the title.  They come up with "Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Yellow Polka Dot Bikini" and we all get a chuckle out of that one.  (BTW that was Fred's idea! Hee Hee!)

The crowd aboard the railfan excursion wrack their brains in their attempt at some titles...

...and they arrive at these fair tunes...."Yellow Roses" by Dolly Parton and "Tie a Yellow Ribbon Round the Ole Oak Tree" by Dawn along with Tony Orlando!

Marcel approaches Mercer siding and, although it is typically right hand running, the turnout is set for the left on this day due to a service interruption the previous week on the other track.  

As Marcel navigates the siding...

...we can hear him humming...

..."The Yellow Rose of Texas".

We leave you with one final song written by the one and only Frank Zappa...

...with the title most parents tell their children when they go out to play in the front yard by the sidewalk in the winter time...  The title of Frank Zappa's tune is..."Don't Eat the Yellow Snow"!  Yikes!  Good advice to youngsters everywhere in my books.

Hey, if you want to see Donovan singing "Mellow Yellow" check out the link below.

And...who says railroading is not colourful!
Thanks to Mark for the great idea for a thread on the blog!

Have a "mellow yellow" day everyone!
All the best, Mike Hamer, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

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