Thursday, August 13, 2020

Workday Wednesday Happenings - August 12

A New Siding For Ironwood
The Ironwood Road's Latest Diesel Painted

A handful of lads descended on Fred's for "Workday Wednesday".  Here we see Grant excavating some of the existing terrain.

The goal for the day was to bring Bernie's new "passing siding" plan for Ironwood to fruition.  We catch Fred assessing the situation with regard to under track bracing.

Doug and Fred make use of C-clamps to ensure proper alignment of the bracing.

Looking good, Doug!

Bill assists Doug with the measuring... Doug works on the cutting of the lumber.

George looks on from his seat in the shade to the right of the image.

The finished base for the line...all Doug needs to do is bring out his planer to help level the natural dip located at Ironwood.

We thank Bernie for sending along the above photos.

I arrived Fred's a little later in the morning as I had other family tasks to complete at home.

When I arrived I found this beauty on the lounge table.
Bill has painted this former CP road unit in Ironwood Road colours as prescribed by Fred.

Beautiful work, Bill!

Indeed, we are the "Ironwood Road".

Nice touches on the locomotive include...

...differing colours for the headlight area, horn, brake wheel and stirrup steps.

Some detail parts have yet to be added.

Nice touch with the Canada flags, Bill!

The air horn.


...we can't wait to run this little puppy along the line when complete!

Here's Bill himself!

Sporting a well-known shirt!

This is the latest acquisition by the railroad...a TH&B boxcar in bright colours...

...acquired for a trade-in with Barry in Belleville.

Back to the morning's activities.

Bill and Bernie steady the board while Doug begins the angled cut.

Much concentration is required.

Doug tidies up the cut.

Lots of gravel is required for a job like this.

Fred surveys the situation.

We backtrack to the work.

Note the importance of bracing.

As always...'s a case of...

...measuring twice before cutting once.

Bernie levels the terrain.

George holds one of the Garden Railways magazines that were available on the lounge table.

Scooping gravel...

...with a smile.

A proud papa!

More C-clamp assistance.

Doug carries lumber in two ways, with his hands and with his ear!

The two B's...Bernie and Bill.

We're getting there.

Precision cutting.

A great deal of discussion...

...and then...

...some more discussion.

Using the latest power tool,,, the handsaw...using Doug's "muscle power" to operate!

The umbrella offers a degree of shade.

Like our city of Ottawa work crew.

Almost there Doug!

The supervisor!

Perfect fit.

Let's eliminate weeds from the get-go!

Great job, Bernie.

The good old wheel barrow...

...combining two simple machines...the lever and the wheel and axle.

Bernie uses another form of a lever.

Filling the area with stones.

Checking the level.

Tying them in and screwing them down.

Uncle Fred is a happy camper!
As for me...the only job I did on this day was to press my finger atop the shutter button on my old point and shoot camera!
We thank all of these hard-working lads for the efforts on this day that will improve the operations of the railroad when we hopefully get the chance to actually operate, more than likely next season!

Thanks for checking in!  Mike Hamer, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

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