Thursday, December 10, 2020

Be Thankful For What We Do Have

 Being Thankful For All that We Have

A Not-So Gentle Reminder of What It Was Really Like Back Then

Fred sent along this note my way.

Mike, with Christmas fast approaching, happiness and giving seems to take centre stage, along with much thankfulness and joy, from those receiving.

There of course is always another side to all the experiences the World is going through, that we should never allow ourselves to forget.

Terry Foley sent the following picture and note. You might care to post it….cheers, Fred

London - Christmas 1940 - he came back from wherever he'd been to find his home levelled to the ground, and his mom and dad under it.  Every thing he has in the entire world is right there, and he is either wearing it, or holding on to it.

I checked my in-box to also find the note from Tac!  Here's what Terry had to say including the caption you have just read above for the picture of this lovely child.

I've just come off the usual half-hour natter with Fred over in Ottawa, and again as usual, we had our collective bitching session about the strange behaviour of many otherwise rational folks around us in the middle of this global pandemic.  I thought I'd send this to our circle of train-lovers, with blogger Mike Hamer able to send it on to those I can't reach.

Not necessarily aimed at any of you, but don't you think that there are just way too many whingers showing their true colours these days?  Having to stand in line just a little bit seems to drive them crazy, and the very thought of somehow having to do without anything at all seems to incense them beyond any kind of rationality.  What you hear, every day, is 'Where's my X',  Why can't I do X if I want to?  Why should I do what I'm advised to do?  I have a RIGHT to do what I want!'

Thank you, Terry, for reminding us of what really matters in our, caring, kindness, friendship, open communication and thinking of others first.
All the best, Mike Hamer, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

1 comment:

  1. By their fruits you shall know them.....Communists, Socialists, Fascists, Nazis, Leftists, Rightists, totalitarians all....
    - Born in London, saw the aftermath.
