Sunday, December 20, 2020

Mark Pays a Visit to George's Indoor Layout

 Mark Visits George

Mark has kindly sent along this group of pics he took on a recent visit to George's home.

Here is the story in Mark's own words.

"Hi Mike,  Last weekend I visited George’s indoor layout, and had fun test driving the 3-Truck Shay that Barry is selling on behalf of Dale. She handled the sharp curves very well and looked elegant pulling an ore train. George has done a spectacular job creating a new life for what was once Gaston’s famous “show layout”. Well done George!

I am also going to send some videos in two separate emails.  One final note: the photos contain a hidden “Where’s Waldo?” moment. Can you spot Ollie?"

Running on straight track is no big deal, any loco can do that! :-)

Rounding the corner in search of a consist to haul...

Pulling out with the ore cars, we spot a bobber caboose that will be the perfect complement...

All hooked up now and ready to roll!

The absolutely gorgeous trestle and road bridge preserved from Gaston’s layout has been integrated into a larger railroad that permits indoor operations.

In George’s words, if a loco can handle this tough S curve on the layout, it can handle anything. As you can see, the 3-Truck Shay negotiated those switches very nimbly.

Ore cars have been deposited at the cement works and the van is back on its siding.

One last solo roll through town before we go home. Thanks George for a lovely visit!

Thanks, Mark for those great pics.

Before I share the first video... are some cool-looking screen snaps I managed to take from the video.

Yes, that bobber caboose is a beauty!

Video Number One from George's indoor layout.

Here is a screen shot from the second video.

Looks like George has some great operations going on inside!

Video Number Two from George's indoor layout.

Who are the two subjects of this blog posting?
Well, we find Mark running his live steamer in the garden at Fred's.

He studies his train orders as he brings 302 downgrade from Firgrove.

Mark appreciates the challenges involved in switching out cars along the route.

His smile tells it all...train operations is so much fun!  Oh, yes...Mark.  I did spot Ollie in the pics.  I believe Ollie feels that Santa's red sleigh this year may very well take the form of a Texaco delivery truck instead!  Big smile!

Our second subject of this posting is our good friend, George.  We catch him standing between the tracks in the western terminal of Firgrove and its accompanying Ralph Yard.

George has pretty much claimed these two locations as his "outdoor office!"

We are so glad that he has taken over as the Firgrove yard switcher.  As was the case with his predecessors, we know that the western terminus of the line is in good hands!

George's smile tells it all as well.  Running trains in a prototypical fashion is so rewarding!

The choo choo trains in these next four images...

...indicate that there are...

...only four more sleeps to go...

...until Christmas morning arrives!
On behalf of Mark and George, I wish to extend hearty Christmas greetings to all family and friends within our OVGRS hold!  May 2021 bring greater peace, health and harmony in our world.
All the best, Mike Hamer, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

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