Friday, August 23, 2019

Belleville's Railroad Attraction at Barry and Bonnie's Home As Seen From Malcolm's Perspective

Malcolm was another of our fine photographers on this day in Belleville.
It's always interesting to see new power that we don't see up in Ottawa and Barry's Rio Grande diesel fits the bill nicely.  Looks like it's "convertible" day today.

Moe's little switcher fulfills its role nicely as it is pictured traveling between Juliana Junction and Cumberland.

To see some drone video from the day, copy Moe's link below into your browser.

Down in Belleville, Henk's NYCentral unit busies itself with yard work.
To view Malcolm's great video footage from the day, simply copy and paste the address below into you computer's browser.!ApuSckIj0HVCguZdQODnuUBz8CxeyQ

Bernie's TH&B geep has two covered hoppers on the headpin as it makes its way from Orleans into Cumberland from the west.

Doug and Bernie determine the placement of cars in their consist before heading out from Boyce.

Johnny and Fred in conversation.

Mr. Lyon.

Mrs. Lyon.

Here's she "Wondering Where the Lyons Are?"  If you can't find them, just ask Bruce of the Cockburn family!

Noelle, thanks a ton for your great photos as well!

James is up from Tweed.  He came along with his lovely wife, Rhea.

Pat and Paul in the crew lounge.

The blue in the sky complements Doug's jeans and Bernie's shirt.

Not to mention the Conrail diesel painted in a deeper blue tone.
That's Henk and Moe working the big yard in Belleville.

"We'll cross that bridge when we get to it!"

Rhea reviews her manifest list before departing Boyce.

"Move over, Mr. Lyon!" Henk shouts out as he takes his seat on the throne.

Looks like Doug has an industry named in his honour!

Rhea points out to James one of the cars that must be dealt with here in Cumberland.
Lots of reds in this image!

Henk and Moe rehearsing their dance moves!

Aha!  Got it back!

Doug enjoys the swing on the patio.

"When will that ump ever get the call right!"

Paul takes a breather.

Mark and child!  Two avid railfans!

I had heard on the news about some potential alien sightings in Belleville this week.

Indeed, they have landed!

The benchwork is the perfect height!

Paul's pulling a Bill Scobie!

Pat works the freight cars while Paul runs the train from a distance.

Thanks so much Malcolm for the great shots and video as well.
All the best, Mike Hamer, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

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