Thursday, May 25, 2023

Workday Wednesday On a Thursday

Workday Wednesday On a Thursday

A handful of lads gathered this morning beneath the rising sun to enjoy a perfect weather morning for working on the railroad.

Yesterday's rain had evaporated and a multitude of jobs were attended to throughout the morning.

Excess locomotives were placed in engine houses, elevated switch machines were lubricated, the grass was cut and whipper snipped, some more weeds were pulled, umbrellas were relocated to their existing homes and a new home was established for the new 'brella in Ironwood...and there was even a short but sweet memorial service for a wee raccoon who had spent the final day of his life beneath the station area of Craig Leigh.

Mike, Pat and Fred test out the new umbrella at Ironwood offering much needed shade to operators who arrive this location.  There had never been an umbrella set up in this town and those waiting at Walkins Siding near the fence can now take advantage of the shade the "Big Blue" offers along with the Ironwood crews. 
 (Thanks, Malcolm, for sending this image along!)

The tender has arisen from it's long winter's nap...but it requires a mate!

Fred will see to that.

A mate she be's!

Road unit #15 will haul commodities proudly along the route of the IPP&W.

Fred discovered (or I should say "uncovered") this older and wiser appearing structure somewhere under the depths of Craig Leigh and he wondered if this may be a good spot for it.
Some lads may remove it momentarily to slide their locomotives out of their carrying cases in this location.

The good ole Blockhouse continues to stand sentinel over Brennan Gap even if its siding has been lifted!

Pat gives the lawn a trim.

Gee...the grass sure grows quickly in this area as Bernie had cut the lawn here the previous week following Ralph's efforts the week before!

"What's that smell?" Fred wonders as he drifts by Craig Leigh. Father Fred mentioned in an e-mail he had sent around...we discovered the source of the odour near Craig Leigh.  A young raccoon had met its untimely demise beneath the station area in Craig Leigh at some point over the winter.  I'm telling was not a fun job removing the remains.  
A solemn moment of silence was witnessed for the young one.

It's back to work for Bernie in Douglas Yard.

Mike totes the "tote" boxes from the sheds to their respective locations in preparation for Saturday's pre-ops organization.

Steve lends a helping hand.

Fred, Bernie and Pat did a great job on the new pedestrian crossing.

A closer examination of their handiwork.

Time for some more grass trimming.

Bernie loves our Workday Wednesday sessions even if they occur the next day!

Malcolm has arrived to lend a hand!

Raising the flag!

Mike...upon seeing some of the lads goofing off from work announced the following..."I'm taking a stand!"  
And...that's what he did...he took the stand with him!

But alas...the diameters were not working with each other.

So-o-o-o...Mike & Malcolm put their heads together - this could be dangerous!

And along with guidance from the others...Mal hammered near the Hamer!

With the final umbrella located and rigged in place a-la "Rube Goldberg" the Wednesday crew finished their work on a fine looking Thursday morning.
Thanks to the lads who could make it out to assist the crew.
Looking forward to tremendous weather on Saturday morning!
All the best, the "Workday Wednesday" crew!
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

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