Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Workday Wednesday Fixes

As always, the aftermath of our first session of the season reawakens any track issues that must be dealt with by the local maintenance gang. 

We call ourselves the "WTF Gang"!

No...not for "What The F..." but for "Wednesday Train Fun"!  Hehehe!

When I arrived I found Skipper Fred already hard at work.

He's repairing the throw for the turnout to the west of Ironwood.

Pat was already hard at it with the weeding. keeping the right of way the "right way"!

Still working hard, there Fred!  
In fact, Fred was outdoors working on the layout Friday evening re-spiking the track on the Lawrence Watkins Trestle.

A blank slate for Nelson Yard!

Nice job on the trestle rails, Fred!

Bravo!  Now I can have my RP&M crews run across the gut on Saturday!

I hadn't noticed this little puppy to the east of Spruce before.

Nice to see that the little shed has found a home!

You're a master Fred!

Looking good!

During Saturday's operations George took me aside to point out some maintenance work necessary in Firgrove, Ralph Yard and Rat Portage.

A new bumper was installed at the end of the near track in Ralph Yard.

A new eyelit was installed along the rotting fascia board in Rat Portage.

Now George is able to keep the shed door open while bringing out trays and when putting them away.
We'll have to replace that rotting fascia board in time!

I didn't know it was Christmas Time, Bernie!

This "selfie" shows me laying some track in Ralph Yard.

George had noticed that some of his track was missing.

This is the area where a further siding curved into the end of the two earlier sidings.

A simple enough job.  Just find some old track that may or may not require cutting and extend the siding.

Et voila!  A perfect fit!  All I need to do is screw down that second track bumper.

I know George and Len will be pleased to have more space in their yard!

A glance from the end of the Ralph Yard peninsula.


The lads continue with their clean-up efforts.

Tons of new foliated growth had to be dealt with...but Pat takes a moment out for prayers.
"I pray to God that Mother Nature stays on our side for the entire train running season!" he asks.

This fenceline had been falling over continually so it needed to be screwed down.

After checking the clearances, away to town I went.

Two screws were all that was required...I took them from "me own head" as I did have a couple of screws loose!  Big grin!

Secretary Bernie is our Secretary Bird...making new names for sidings and facilities.

You will notice some of the changes at our next sesssion.

Pat had noticed that the protective guard rail was loose so as he was still weeding I got out the power drill and tightened the rail with a few more loose screws I managed to drop from "me head"!

This was an interesting anomoly.  The grass has grown tall beneath this pylon to reach the sunlight...a natural tropism!

Pat...another dedicated member of our WTF gang arrived to pick Fred up to take him to the History Circle luncheon.  Good on'ya Pattie me boy!

I snapped this photo as Fred asked me to repair the lovely outdoor model we have of Fred's garage and office.  I've brought the model home for homework!

I had a few extra magazines I brought out for the lads to take home.

After my morning session "sans breakfast" I created this awesome tasting omelette incorporating eggs, milk, cheese, ham, bacon, tomatoes, red onions, flaxseed, chia seeds and hempseeds.  Yum Yum...the two dogs stared up at me wondering if they were going to get any.

This is when they are their most well-behaved.  I can't figure out why?!!  Hehehe!

Pat and Fred enjoy a much needed rest towards the end of the morning.
Thanks for checking in on the WTF Gang's antics on this day.
We look forward to Sunny Saturday when we will actually get to run trains!!!
All the best,  the WTF Gang
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

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