Friday, June 28, 2024

Nelson Yard Engine House Gets a New Hat

A New Hat For the Nelson Yard Engine House

Bill sent along his latest images of the developments on the Nelson Yard engine house.

It seems the rain won't harm the locomotives denning inside this building.

Thanks for all your efforts Bill, Doug & Chris!

C-clamps and weights do the trick in keeping the wall sections and interior bracing together as the adhesive sets.

The window locations are clearly seen in this image.  Chris has 3D printed the windows for the engine house.

The door rests on the floor with its latches in evidence.

A "hat" shot.

Latches will ensure the roof stays open for operators to reach inside the engine house.

Great looking work Bill!

Also, thanks to Doug & Chris for their efforts on the project as well!
Indeed we are so fortunate to have creative people like this trio of designers and builders in the group.
Now we await the finishing of the project and the placement of the engine house in Nelson Yard!

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