Thursday, June 13, 2024

Workday Wednesday June 12

WDWD June 12

The WDWD crew were at it again this week.

Bernie, Pat Brewer, Chris, Doug and Bill made it out to help around the railroad.

Later, Pat Brennan arrived to drive Fred to their Railway Circle meeting.

Fred had painted two new angle irons which he asked us to plant at both sides of his driveway near the ditch.

Chris and I had to first remove the old, bent angle irons.

The old meets the new!

Chris is hard at work.

Chris had noticed that the culvert was totally plugged up with dirt and debris so he used a spade to reach in as far as he could in order to clean out as much as he could.

Our trusty mini "pile driver" did the trick in slamming that puppy into the ground!

Looking good!


Chris and Fred confer at the boardroom table.

Doug, Bill & Bernie look on.

Pat joins in.

Lawrence had made this car that keeps track of the scale distance travelled on the railroad.

The coffee pots are on!

In Lawrence's collection of items we found these three "pencil sharpeners".  Chris 3D printed some bases for them with accommodations for screws. he is hard at work.

Installing the lamps at the end of the terminal tracks in Craig Leigh.

Great job Chris!

Man...and I thought the station was already classy!

It's classier now!

In the meantime, Pat was busy mowing the lawn.

Looking good there Pat!

And when Pat is finished with the mower he gets out the weed whacker!

Bill, Doug & Bernie check out the new trackwork at the western end of Nelson Yard.

Chris gets down to work pulling some of the weeds from the peninsula known as Lilly.

Lawrence indeed had a sense of humour as these two critters were found among the many items we brought from his home.

Fred was getting ready to head to the Railway History Circle with Pat when I snapped this image.
In other news,  OVGRS member Terry Rowsell shared with me a video of a recent large scale project he has on the go which I will showcase in my next blog entry in a day or so.
All the best, the members of the OVGRS in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

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