Friday, June 7, 2024

Workday Wednesday's Work June 5th

Workday Wednesday June 5th

Another small crew showed up for WDWD Wednesday.  Chris, Pat Brewer, Fred and Bernie were in attendance.

There were two planned track projects, both of them reconfigurations.

A spare engine shed will be built by Bill and Doug and installed at the west end of Nelson Yard requiring a separate track from the current locomotive loading track.

Over in Craig Leigh, the switches into Scobie's and Brunt's were troublesome especially for steamers.  A reconfiguration was required, although only the CL yardmaster will use these switches.

Bernie got to work on the Nelson Yard track and Chris tackled Craig Leigh.  Fred was there to provide guidance and manned the rail cutting tasks.

Pat showed up after an appointment and took on the chore of weeding, a never-ending task that requires weekly attention to ensure safe rail operations.

Mike would like to thank Bernie and Chris for sending along all of these photos and captions.  Indeed all words come from Bernie.

Doug had a list of questions regarding the new engine shed, first of which, do we want a single or double shed?  
Fred indicated that it was to be a single shed large enough for an RS3 or GP7/9.
Was the roof to be removable to gain access?
Fred suggested it could possibly resemble the shed located up in Firgrove as shown in the image above. 

I used my Connie transporter box as a template for the locomotive loading track seeing as it is the widest and the longest carrying case of the many that come out for operations.
I then used the old rotten engine house as the guide for the new track.  I suspect the new engine house will not be as wide.

Chris had cut away some of the wood edging on the engine house so the transporter box could fit all the way onto the bench.
This would offer a much better template for the position of the loading track and the engine shed.
Later, when Pat arrived, he noted I had placed the shed atop the two switch cables - they will require repositioning.

The transport box is fully on the deck and the shed is now clear of all obstructions.
The track shown in the photo is not yet nailed down as the switch has now to be installed in its proper location.

Chris has started removing the switches at Scobie's in Craig Leigh.  
We find him trying to remove one of those mini-screws from a rail joiner using a tiny hex Allen key.

Fred is at his vice waiting to cut tracks for Chris's and Bernie's project.  Indeed, Father Fred is a "vice" regal assistant!

Chris is trying to hammer out a stubborn rail joiner of which there were more than a few!

The new set of switches is seen laying on the bench.

Chris has successfully removed all of the problem switches.

Scobie's and Brunt's will now have their own access switches.  
The new switch arrangement has been laid out for test fitting.
A number of boxcars were also set out on the tracks to ensure sufficient space at the respective industries.

Steve appeared with speakers for Pat.  The speakers came from Lawrence's electronics collection.

Chris confers with Pat as he lays out the switch and lead into Brunt's.

Meanwhile, Pat gets down to weeding in the 30 degree heat!

Time for a smile!

A photo of the grain elevators at Lilly.  Chris, they sure look great!

Chris, with the help of Fred, has completed the installation of the new switches.
These developments will help significantly with the switching at Craig Leigh, yet retain the facing and trailing moves.

Scobie's holds two cars in the image above with room for one more although the optimum number will be two spots.

We see three cars at Brunt's at the moment with room for four.

Pat has moved to the Spruce corners.  Lots of weeds and more weeds.
The heat of the morning continues to rise and it is soon time for a rest.

Meantime, over at Nelson Yard, the new switch has been installed and the lead to the new engine shed is finalized.

The crew takes a well-deserved rest with Fred holding court with Chris and Pat.
The crew wishes to thank Mark Shumelda for dropping by with a box of Timbits for the gang.
Mark also dropped off his two-truck Shay which Mike will be bringing out to OVAR with three other steam locomotives for our June display as we "Steam Into Summer"!

Bernie is finally nailing down the new switch after several attempts at locating it to ensure optimal location for the loading track and the shed track.

A happy, but hot Bernie!  Thank goodness for the umbrella!

Completed track work at Nelson Yard.  Indeed, there is plenty of room for a loco carrier and a single stall engine shed.

Chris sent these next two images of Bernie overseeing the efforts at Nelson Yard.

Bernie follows the old adage of "Measure Twice and Cut Once!"

A very happy Father Fred.
Thanks Bernie & Chris for sending along these images.
Thanks Bernie for the great write-up detailing all the hard work done by you, Chris, Fred & Pat!
We are the OVGRS of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada


  1. Wonderful pictures. I REALLY appreciate the regular updates!

  2. Thanks Bruce! So great to hear from you! All the best! Mike
