Saturday, June 1, 2024

Workday Wednesday May 29th

Workday Wednesday Happenings May 29th

For the last Wednesday of May, a group of us descended on Joan and Lawrence's home to once again assist Joan with the clearing out of many of Lawrence's items from his work area in the basement.

At the same time, a few of the WDWD crew headed over to Fred's backyard to work on the railroad and to tidy up the grounds surrounding the train tracks.

This blog entry details the efforts from the day.

Seanna, Chris & Steve have arrived back from Joan's home and Fred greets them in the driveway.

Steve & Seanna's Hylander is choc-a-bloc full!

So is Chris's van.  This picture was taken after we had unloaded most of the material.

Chris has brought out this wonderful model of silos he made for the railroad.  Beautiful work Chris!

We begin piling up the boards.  Some of the wood is gorgeous pine and some is perfect cedar.

We find Bernie hard at work trimming the low hanging branches in and around Peter's Pond.

Now there's a smile.

Pat mows the lawn in preparation for our session this coming Saturday (which took place this morning).

Chris unloads the lumber.  This lengthy piece is perfect for a carrying case as the indents are meant to accommodate the locomotive wheels.

Pat arrives a short while later.

Yet another fully loaded vehicle.

I "saw" Pat with a saw...or two!

We discovered yet another structure Lawrence had underway in his workshop...a grain elevator.

He had both ends and one wall complete but unpainted.

We tested the ends out in various locations where they could each act as a "background" structure in two separate locations along the line.

Chris has taken them home to work on them to create roughly an inch of depth along all sides and to paint them a boxcar red tone.

Steve is near Wellington Lake checking out one of the elevators which is located out of the image to the left.

Still another structure Lawrence had begun and had finished.

The forest ranger tower fits perfectly atop the bluff at Lilly!


We love it.

My Siberian Irises are beginning to bloom in the Rust Garden.

Chris and Fred enjoy a moment out in the sun.

Two good-looking lads!

Another glance at Chris's scratch building efforts.

We check out some of the power in the green room.

Fred tells us these locomotives are able to run on the layout.

Chris has found a great place for the grain silos.

Lilly is coming to life!

Love it!

An aerial shot of the tower.

These two structures are definitely not located trackside in Fred's backyard.

They are taking shape across the street!

Joan has sent a box of muffins along for the hard-working lads to enjoy.

"Cheers!" Bernie announces.

Some of Lawrence's cars from his collection begin to populate the layout at the Brewer Barrels facility.

Look, it's Larry the forest ranger.

We call him Larry which is a short form of Lawrence.

The Rust Garden comes to life.

My twin brother Jim came over Monday when we celebrated our 66th birthday on May 27th.  Yes, we are Geminis and we are twins so we hold true to our sun signs!

James Brian Hamer was born at 4:15 PM on May 27th, 1958 and Michael Lawrence Hamer was born 16 minutes later at 4:31 PM.

I am honoured to share my middle name with our great friend Lawrence!

Thanks for checking out the comings and the goings of the Workday Wednesday crew

We are the OVGRS of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

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