Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Barry's Season Ending Session - Part Two

Barry Ends the Season in Belleville
Part Two

Here is Barry's note to me which begins the second segment in this series.

Hi again, Mike.  In compiling these images and stories myself, I can see how much work it is to put one of these shows together!  (Thanks, Barry...much appreciated! - Mike.)

Here we are, passing through the crossover Juliana Junction towards Kamaron City.  Juliana is our youngest granddaughter, 8 years old, who was excited to be going back to school this week in Toronto.
(Remember, you can expand the images by clicking on them and shrink them by clicking outside them.)

Kamaron City always provides some interesting challenges, with facing points in both directions.  On this run, we have to pull out four cars, and push in/set out three.  The four being left are to the left of the incoming train, and the set outs are in the photo above.

The set outs having been dropped already, we are now pulling out the four that will be going with us.

We just  have to do our "run around" and can then leave for Belleville and Quinte West, the final destination.

Time has flown so fast, I keep wanting to say, "August" instead of "September."  Here we are, heading to get the front of the train connected to the rear.

Having received clearance to Belleville, via Shaanenville, we are on our way, first through the tunnel under Mount Kamaron.  Two years ago, I rebuilt the mountain, to double track it, so we could have a bypass around Mount Kamaron for those trains not having to work there.  That eliminated one of the serious bottlenecks on the railroad.

We are just passing through Shaanenville on our way to Belleville.  By the way, Shannenville is not miss-spelled.  She is our #2 granddaughter, whose  other grandparents are Finnish, and they like to double the first vowel in their names.  Her other grandma is named Kaaren, and an aunt is Shaaren.  Shaanen made us proud a few years ago by reaching the Ontario finals in figure skating.

Here, we are finally passing the Belleville townsite on our way to Belleville yard.

And here we are, entering the yard.

Since we are own own yardmaster, we must disperse the cars to the locations stipulated in the train orders.

Which is what is happening here.

And the two gondolas are dropped off at Quinte West.  There, the crew will take the locomotive to the Wye, and be ready for the return trip, with another train, tomorrow.

The GP9 will rest on the wye, and train 212 will now build its consist and head out from Belleville very soon.

Hi once more, Mike.  I had mentioned extending the passing siding around Trista Station earlier on, and these pictures show the new project, completed on one day.

The upper switch used to join the mainline from Hayes Fuels to the Hayes Bypass line.  That meant a single track proceeded to Golding Enterprises and Trista Station, creating a sometimes serious bottleneck.  Even having the Trista Bypass didn't help.  So I installed the RH switch above, to continue the bypass and link it with Trista Bypass, as the next picture shows.

Here is the other end of the extension.. The mainline to Golding Enterprises remained untouched, but the double switch/crossover connected the new extension to the existing Trista Bypass.  I can hardly wait to try this all out next summer's "Invasion!"

Here, you can see the pre-existing (for the last two years, anyway) Trista Bypass.

And finally, here is a view from the north side of Trista Station, showing the crossover, put there for trains that need to come via Hayes Bypass to Trista Centre when required.

In the far background, you can see the double tracked pedestrian crossing, which was much easier to put in than I expected.

I hope everyone enjoys seeing how much I have enjoyed my railroad, even in solitary fashion!  Barry.

I found this image of Barry in the red shirt enjoying the camaraderie of railroading with Bernie, Paul and Johnny from an earlier year.  Barry's smile tells it all!
Thank you immensely, Barry, for sending these amazing views of your spectacular garden railroad for us to see!
All the best!  Mike Hamer, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

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