Monday, September 28, 2020

Final Pics From A Train Session Back in August

Final Pics From An August Train Session

Hey gang, this posting takes us back a month where I have some leftover images from a session in mid-August.

The "boys" brought out their "toys" on a sunny August Saturday.  This SPC local arrives Spruce and holds the main for an on-coming westbound.

This Union Pacific legend was found on the blog yesterday in care of a unit tank train.  Its' assignment in mid-August was yet another unit ore run.

It's "meet and greet" time!

The big UP brute funnels between the steam locomotive and the gas electric... the ore moves down the line!

With empty Spruce spurs in behind, the ore train rediscovers the mainline...

...and sweeps out from Spruce on the big curve.

The handsome engineman...Marcel!

Vintage Video

Today's "Vintage Video" once again takes us back five or six years ago and was filmed during one of our annual "Invasion of Friends".

That's Andy's Bluestone Southern diesel unit in charge of an eastbound train having just departed Nelson Yard.  The "Bluestone Southern" is Andy's home road based in his home town in Kentucky.
Click on the white arrow once...then again when it appears over a red circle and enjoy the video.

That's one fine looking unit, Andy!

She's up to any task we can throw at her!

That's Andy on the right with Bob to his left.  Bob resides just outside of Boston, MA.

Back to the present day...Bernie is the traffic cop directing all train movements in the vicinity of Ironwood.

His attention is diverted by the sound of that spectacular diesel unit.

With the meet complete, Andrew takes his train around the other big bend...

...and on into Ironwood.

Pat oversees the action.

Perched atop the ledge, our SPC train roars past the large Ironwood Brick complex.

The tipple towers above the train...

...but the engine crew pay it no heed.

As the morning mist hovers in the air...

...the crew is bound and determined to keep time as they enter the environs around Mount St. Helens.

We've been wearing our masks all morning but remove them for a photo or two.  Hi Robin.

Hello Lawrence and Paul!

It appears we have a stealth locomotive in our midst.

With no lettering to speak of, the crew creep through Mercer Siding bound for Glenn Hammond.

This CP crew is downgrade to Blockhouse.

Neil appears...

...and he and Paul offer up some smiles before donning their masks once again.

Fred and Lisa sitting in the lounge.

Our CP train makes its appearance on the "QT".

Indeed, we hardly heard it coming up from Blockhouse...but here she be's!

A lovely view, a lovely train and a lovely day!

Fred is well equipped...

...for these Covid times.

As is Andrew!

Fred displays some of the fine work he has done on the underbody of the RS3 that Bill later painted in black for "The Ironwood Road"!

Fred's one heckuva great modeller!

Where's you mask, Andrew? I get it! the saying goes...

"Model Railroading is Fun!"

Fred has asked me to introduce Terry Foley, the latest fellow to join our e-mail list.

Terry travelled all the way to Canada from his home in Cambridgeshire to attend our annual "Invasion of Friends" weekend back in 2015!  

Terry, Ken and Mike share a laugh and a photo shoot!
Welcome aboard, Terry!
Cheers, Mike Hamer, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

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