Thursday, September 3, 2020

Other Images From Earlier August Sessions

Scenes From Earlier in August
We Have More Pics From a Few Saturdays Ago

Our blog entries typically cover the "train operations" of the week up here in Ottawa...

...however we have been thrown a "curve ball" this year with the pandemic and the occasional rainy Saturday thrown into the mix.  Throughout the summer, a few of us have gathered with the goal of simply running the trains through the countryside along the IPP&W and RP&M roads...while keeping up safety standards as best we can.

As we learned recently, this summer hasn't stopped some of us from creating our own "mini-operations"...which we would have held again this past Saturday.
(To expand an image, simply click on it.  To return to the normal aspect of the page, click outside the image.)

Alas, mother nature had a different agenda up her sleeve...

...and she decided that the lawns and gardens in Ontario required a good soaking...and that is why we did not meet this past Saturday.  This does not stop this ardent blogger from putting together a few postings for the week!

For I have some "extra" images from our "train running" session of a few weeks back.  To start things off...what a joy for railfans the above image portrays...a meet of two trains in the care of steam driven locomotives!  Alas, the past is brought back to life!

Andrew removed his mask to pose for this image of his train meeting Doug's at Watkins Siding.

It would appear the Sooline hopper has been through a recent wash as it is sparkly clean...a rather unusual sight for a hopper car.

The ore drag is pulled through Ironwood on the drawbar of Union Pacific diesel #3607.

This locomotive, a stranger to these parts for many years, has finally found a new home on IPP&W rails.

Rumour has it that it may be shipped to Arizona in a few weeks time on loan to a railroad down that way.

This Canadian Pacific crew idles in the shade offered by the pines at Cedar Rock.

Steam isn't stilled yet in these parts as we discover yet another "friend from the past" carrying commerce into Nelson Yard.

The masked bandit is none other than...

...Mr. Grant Knowles MMR.  Indeed, Ottawa is proud to have this incredible Master Model Railroader in our midst!

At times, traffic begins to congeal waiting for clearance between Nelson Yard and Spruce...but this is not in evidence on this day as it is free sailing eastward for the crew.

The lush foliage in "The Corners" offers up a great backdrop for this railfan who has waited patiently for the eastbound transit of the next train.

And what a train she is!  From daylight, she'll find darkness momentarily in the lower bowels beneath Mount St. Helens.

Our gas electric has arrived the Mount from the terminal building in Craig Leigh and will shortly be cleared into Ironwood.

We follow this train as she clears the tunnel and proceeds on her way into Peter's Pond.

Andrew arrives Peter's Pond and works the team track siding in town.

The crew spots "The Friendly Giant" in his brown running shoes just out from Peter's Pond.

Doug terminates his train in Ralph Yard as he will be packing up the cars in their trays.

In typical operations, he would have taken the turnout into Firgrove where he would have uncoupled from his train, turned the locomotive, and departed eastbound with a new consist.

Pat has arrived Firgrove and is occupied in turning a number of cars and his locomotive on the turntable here.

It's a long process...

...but an enjoyable one... it emulates true passenger operations.

Pat has removed his mask to offer up a wonder smile on this day.

Love that triple dome tankcar...

...and the latest boxcar to be found on the line...this TH&B beauty was offered as a trade-in with Barry for a Southern Pacific black boxcar of equal beauty which he requested.  (Both railroads gained in this exchange as both had a duplicate of the original car they offered up!)

This hopper is close to my heart as it is of Northeastern heritage!

Following train running, the cars are placed in the bread trays ready for storage.

The passenger train has coupled on to its head-end cars...

...and, with a set-out of one...the train will be ready to depart Firgrove.

Another beauty of a car!

Robin and Paul N. are found near the crew lounge area while Marcel is spotted off in the distance.

Here's Paul.

Marcel notches down his locomotive as the train bypasses the station in Ironwood.

The gas electric has found a home in Spruce momentarily.

Andrew rounds the big bend to the west of Spruce...

...with a brace of tanker traffic aboard his train.

We gain an appreciation of the railroad's design... Andrew sweeps around the curve...

...on approach to Spruce.

Paul has enjoyed a lunch break aboard his train in Cedar Rock.

The 8202 is yet another beauty of a diesel on the line on this day.

A splash of blue never hurt these eyes!

The "old" meets the "new" and there is a mutual respect demonstrated between the members of each crew for each other... is always the case along the right of way of these two fine railroads!

Here is the latest aspect of the Machine Shop Diorama project I am building for Doug.

It's the Berkshire Valley Models farm wagon.

The wagon is designed with the option of having no horses or of having a team hauling the wagon.

Of course, Doug and I selected the latter option.

While this kit seems like a simple build... was anything but.  The underbody framing along with other miscellaneous detailing presented this modeler with just the right amount of challenging steps...with a few "very careful moments" along the way.  The next phase is to attach the team of horses officially to the wagon and install a rider up top.  Will keep you posted on that progress.

I hope you enjoyed our "Scenes From Earlier in August" blog entry on this day!  It is our sincerest of hope that the elements of the universe align to give us a sunny and cool September Saturday morning this coming weekend!
All the best, Mike Hamer, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

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