Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Invasion of Friends 2016 at Barry's in Belleville - Part Two

Barry's Belleville Visit - Part Two

We head back to Belleville to check in on the narrow gauge action.

We're back at Barry's remarkable garden railroad in Belleville for Part Two of coverage of the first day of the invasion.
To view images from Part One, go to this link:
Barry's layout is a colourful one with spectacular gardens and walkways think that he's accomplished all this in just three years since his move from Ottawa.
To expand the pictures click on them and to return to the default look of the page click outside the images.
These hostas present a lovely backdrop for the trains as my Annie is found hauling freight across the line.
Barry's lower deck finds a large group gathered around the table.  From left to right we find Jan, Barry, Paul, Chris, John, Doug and Bob in the foreground.
Let's take another tour across the line starting in Boyce Station.

A little bit of rain won't hurt anything.
Outside of Boyce we spot a diesel on its approach to the terminus near West Ben and Cora's Corners.
A crew uses the wye to turn its train.
Taking the turnout to the left, we find the big yard in Belleville.
I have my train on its way out of Belleville with the next stop being Shaaneville.
Later in the day, the crew is returning to Belleville after having passed through Shaaneville.
Shaaneville can become busy with train meets and lots of switching.
Picton is depicted on this little peninsula.
Love the trestle with a diesel.
And with a steamer!
My Canadian National road switcher finds daylight at Kamarron City.
This train is about to enter the same tunnel in a shot taken at the same location earlier in the day.
Paul and Barry survey the landscape at Juliana Junction.
Hayes fuels is a trailing siding if your train is heading towards Trista Centre.
A nice farm scene at Trista Centre.
Round the bend.
Stop along the walkway.
Back your train into the siding.
 At St. James Flour.
Moe has his train rounding the big curve at Trista Centre.
My conductor Chris awaits clearance to the next location en route.
At Juliana Junction.
Where we veer off towards Cumberland.
Paul N. and Lela relax under the canopy while Paul A. awaits his next orders to move.
Our train rounds the curve in the shade of a young tree.
Across the path.
With another train navigating this nice S-curve.
We find two different trains in Cumberland.
Earlier, this steamer was spotted between Orleans and Cumberland.
Earlier Orleans.
The bridge between Boyce Station and Orleans.
Quinte West near the bridge.
Boyce Station from above.
Ric and Jan have this yard well in control.
Chris and Barry are all smiles as the rain has stopped.
Love Seanna's shirt.
Doug getting in out of the rain.
Hobby shop owners June and Dale have their train at Hayes Fuels.
John and Bob are somewhere between Orleans and Cumberland.
Chris, Paul and Moe take a breather.
As do Paul and Lela once again!
A large gathering on the lower patio.  Barry and Bonnie are seated on the two individual chairs in the distance.  Thanks to both of them for hosting a fabulous day!
Meanwhile, Moe gets out his drone.
It hovers above the railroad.
Where it catches two operators using the "0-5-0" method of switching in "stealth" fashion!  The operators blame the "0-5-0" maneuver on a faulty coupler...hmm.
Later, Moe puts the drone down and gets back to operating his train at Shaaneville.
You cannot argue that Barry's fabulous layout is not a colourful one with colourful characters running it!  
Stay tuned for Part Three from Belleville in a later posting!
Thanks so much, Mike Hamer, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

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