Sunday, July 24, 2016

Invasion of Friends 2016 - Images From Malcolm

A great big "Thank You" to Malcolm for sending along some great shots from the Invasion at Fred's place.  Here we see my Canadian National road switcher working the east end of Nelson Yard while Bruce brings a freight out of Glen Hammond with his Southern road switcher.
John checks out the interchange tracks to the west of Bell.
Bellamy appears busy with a baseball team of operators all captured in one shot.
Jean works Ironwood in the distance while Jim has his two New York Central units in Spruce.
Ric's diesels are eagerly awaiting their assignments in Craig Leigh.
Craig Leigh is the eastern terminus of the line.
The caboose track in Douglas Yard at Craig Leigh.
Revenue is on the roll on the runby track in Douglas Yard.
Train 15 has arrived Mount St. Helens.  This is the pool train which will traverse both railroads.
John in dappled shade.
These two brethren are on the siding in Mount St. Helens.
I continue to drill the tracks at Nelson.

 A "side by side" shot.  Posed?  Indeed!
Dispatcher Doug!
CP out of Nelson Yard.
Rounding the bend into Bellamy.
I rarely get to see myself on the blog as I am the one typically behind the camera while I run trains.
Bend over, Mike...just a tad more!
More of Fred's wonderful visitors to the railroad.
Standing between Nelson Yard and Blockhouse.
Barry and Bob in Firgrove.
Bob's locomotive.
John and Steve discuss their train moves while Jean looks on.
Aha!  A meet at Glen Hammond.
I'll drink to that!
Says Henk!
Steve and Seanna in the Glen along with Stu, the other Steve and John.
Gatean and Nicole at Belson.
The sun rises and things begin to heat up.
So...time for a rest in the shade.
Multiple crews at Bell...
...mean one thing...yes, you work with each other!
The latest Dutch Dance to hit the airwaves.
Jim wonders what the heck Henk is doing!
Nelson Yard is chockablock full, yet very well organized.
Fred, the latest recipient of the McEwen Award.
This TH&B locomotive has the honours on this RP&M train crossing the diamond at Bellamy.
With a destination of Rat Portage.
And a meet with Train 15.
Love the colour of railroading.

And...with the tail end, we say "Farewell!"
Thanks for checking in on our "Invasion of Friends 2016!"
All the best,
Mike Hamer, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada


  1. Thanks for posting these Mike. I'm always impressed by how you manage to come up with the commentary for a set of photos you didn't take. Quite a skill! :-)

  2. Thanks so much Malcolm. When the photography is as great as your camera angles it is a breeze! Also, having dispatched the layout many times, you gain a deeper appreciation of the "comings and goings" along the line!
