Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Final Preparations for Invasion of Friends

Invasion Prep

Yes, we are anticipating with great eagerness the arrival of our friends from near and far this coming weekend.

Some of the gang gathered this morning for a final "go over" of the railroad before the "Invasion of Friends" coming up later in the week.
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Steve and Seanna are up to something judging by Seanna's focus on her hand.
Aha!  She looks occupied at the moment!
Yes, some new labelling of the signal boxes.
Speaking of labelling, Paul is up to something as well.
Aha!  New labels for tracks and industries.
The label maker.

Thanks, Paul.  They are highly visible as well.
Gardener Garry is enjoying his time.  The lady across the fence asked him if he was for hire!
Bernie wins the coveted medal for bravery.
This weed-wacking man decided to take on a group of hornets in another area of the property.
While I stayed in the shade.
Oh yes, and did a bit of work as well.
Henk is telling Fred and Frank his methodology for switching out Nelson Yard.
First, you do this...
Then you do that...and...
Frank's not taking one bit of the advice Henk is offering.
So later Henk asks Bernie where he got bit by three hornets.
Bernie says, "On the foot and the lower leg."
Henk, in frustration, responds..."No, not where you got bit, where on the railroad property did you get bit, so I know not to go over there!"  Suffice it to say, laughter abounded all around the table...and...yes, the hornets' home was sufficiently taken care of.
So now the property is ready for two full days of full out train ops!
Fred had a moment to see some of the latest product items Gilbert has brought out for G-Scale railroaders...this item having to do with switches, I believe.
Here's Gilbert of GLX Scale Models Inc.
The railroad awaits.

Oh, yes, Gord made an appearance this morning as well but I didn't get to snag a photograph of him, so here is one of this great man handling Nelson Yard as he always does.

Here's to a great up-coming weekend!
All the best, Mike Hamer, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

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