Sunday, October 2, 2022

Mike's Pics and Vids From Session # 16

Session #16 Through the Eyes of Mike

While I do have intrepid photographers on my team, I do enjoy the role of chief railfan for the IPP&W and RP&M lines.

My old "point and shoot" manages to capture the action around both railroads.

I have to be cautious as I served two roles on this day...photographer, and...more importantly dispatcher!

We are delighted to see Steve back with us in the fall after many other activities have been keeping him well occupied throughout the summer months.

Steve brings with him a wonderful variety of locomotives to the scene including...

...this double headed tandem of Canadian roads...

...the Ontario Northland and the Ottawa Central.

This grouping is in charge of the ore train on this morning as we witness the crew upon its arrival at Bell.

Mike managed to capture the double-header on video.

The train glides along the main as another crew works the neighbourhood from their starting point on Track 4.

Steve's friend, Peter, follows the train's progress as it squeezes past the station and the cut of cars in Stuart Yard.

Then its onward to further points east.

Leaving the eastern sidings of Bell in its wake, the train is now downgrade slightly to Watkins.

Advancing towards the crossovers.

More video movement of the ore train.

This much later image has the same train (sans Ottawa Central unit) returning with MT's in the opposite direction at the same location.

An early bird image of the ore drag in Nelson Yard.

Doug's gorgeous AB tandem in his Northland Railroad livery make for an unusual "yard" consist on this day!

Bernie's Geep is spotted in Northland on the eastern fringe of Craig Leigh...

...with new bell and horns mounted thanks to Chris's efforts.

While Chris was not present at our 16th session of the season, here is a photo from the session held two previous ones to this one where Chris fabricated his own CN bell and mount...which is a different mount to Bernie's.  Chris's efforts here are outstanding!

The spark arresters were also created by Chris.  You can also see that glorious bell and mount arrangement from this angle.

Chris tells us that he did not fabricate the triple horn for his 4578 CN Geep...but could possibly do so if required by someone.
"I didn’t print the horns, those came with the locomotive, but I suppose if anyone needs a set of horns for their locomotive it shouldn’t be difficult to model and print a new set."
Thanks, Chris!

We've been holding off showcasing some more of Chris's work, but I've been given the okay by Father Fred to do so now.

Chris tells us, "The cowcatcher pilot was modelled as an exact copy of one from a Bachmann 10-wheeler that Fred lent to me. Apparently they’re no longer available for purchase from Bachmann. The one on my steamer got somewhat battered when someone customized it to accommodate the Kadee coupler pocket, so I wanted to replace it."  

Wow!  Check out these cowcatcher pilots Chris has printed out.

With adjustments for the coupler pocket height as well!

Chris goes on to say, "The red one is the Bachmann original, one of the blue ones is an exact duplicate, and the other is customized to accommodate the coupler pocket (no cutting required!).  The next step is testing the part on an actual locomotive to ensure that everything fits and the coupler height can be properly adjusted.  Then I'll print some using a sturdier material and paint them black.  (They could be printed in black material of course, but they'll need a coat of paint anyway to protect them from UV.)"  

Gorgeous work there, Chris!  

The second trick of the passenger run sees Pool Train 33 on the go.  Neil has reached Rat Portage and is waiting for clearance through the junction.

Len's CP road switcher holds the honours on the passenger trains for this day.

Marcel brought out his Canadian National Geep in this glorious paint scheme.

We find Marcel and Dilip aboard their second trick of the morning with new engine, Train 314, running from Firgrove to Nelson Yard.

Steve and Seanna are also running a locomotive from CN, this elegant switch engine which they are using to drill the sidings to the east of Bell.

Doug has brought out his lovely CP Geep.  His train is ready to depart Glen Hammond for Spruce with a possible stop at Blockhouse.  Gerry will act as assistant on Train 304.'s great to see our home road switcher getting in on the action!

Pat has brought RP&M Train 71 into Bell and will return as Train 82 back to Nelson Yard.

302 surprises this railfan with the appearance of this locomotive from yesteryear!

Grant and Garry team up on 302 and have arrived Bell early on in the session.

Nelson Yard is a hectic place as trains arrive, depart, are made up and are broken down.

Gerry looks on as Dilip and Marcel complete their efforts here in the Glen before departing for Peter's Pond aboard 303.  Their first run will not see them working the Cedar Rock Branch.  They will have an easy time of it down in the pond.  Their return run aboard 314 will see the Cedar Rock Branch offer up its inherent challenges for the crew.

Garry's "heavy" in Bell.

She's one amazing locomotive as witnessed in this video, Garry!

302 gets down to business.

Grant is enjoying every moment of the day!

The tracks at Watkins serve a number of purposes with one of them being acting as a yard lead for crews switching from the eastern end of Bell.

Along the fence line.

Backing into the yard at Stuart.  Alas, my video footage here was too large for the blog!  Oh well...just imagine the sound and the fury of this living and breathing beast as it toils in Bell.

Judging by the power on this train, Moe must be somewhere around!

The CP endcab hauls 301 in on the passing siding at St. Helens.

Indeed, Moe is at the helm as assistant Pat uncouples their power from their train in order to conduct the runaround move here.

St. Helens video footage.

We are still early in the session and Neil drops down into Bell with Passenger 32.

Video of Neil's approach into Bell.

Pre-ops and this trio of lads are up to no good!!!  Just kidding...they have worked and toiled in setting out the equipment along with the rest of the gang!

Glen Hammond pre-ops.

Nelson Yard pre-ops.

Quite the variety of rolling stock is spotted in the Glen along with an interesting looking throttle lying down in the gondola.

Skipper Pat is assisting with the set-out of trays with cars.

Two nicely coloured Canadian roads are found at the eastern fringe of Bell.

The pre-ops meeting finds Steve, Peter and Moe all seated and keeping warm.

Neil is standing in back with Gerry and Pat joining the mix.

The patio grows and grows with Doug in autumn jacket and Gerry in short sleeves!  Yikes!

303 reaches Peter's Pond and takes the appropriate track for their work.

Their switching is solely in the lower sector of "The Pond" so they take the third track over.

Their work may see them visiting the team track, fishery and/or the cooperage.

The video will tell part of the answer.

Taking the Cedar Rock Branch momentarily as a lead, the crew passes the cooperage.

They come in line with the abandoned Norton Fishery building before backing in to the cooperage and the stone facility.  
(Alas, once again the video footage is too large to share through Blogger!)

But I can share this short video tape of what was going on overhead!

Pat is spotted in Nelson Yard working the tracks at Lilly.

He has most likely swapped out cars just past Brennan Gap and has returned to the yard.

Doug, the Nelson Yard master assistant, keeps a watchful eye on the proceedings. in Bell that steamer still deserves another glance!  
(Too big video to share, once again...grrrr!)

Here is an earlier shot of 304 taken just before departure out from Glen Hammond.

Passenger 32 encounters the ore train in Glen Hammond.

The passenger crew sneaks up on the crew in the Ottawa Central unit.

It appears the ore train and the wayfreight momentarily share the same track in the Glen.

The age-old stone built passenger depot in the Glen stands sentinel to all the comings and goings on at the eastern meeting point of the two yards.

Love that dome car!

Love that classy steam power!

Aha, the video is not too large!  You can view it!  Yeah!
(I had switched cameras when my both batteries died in my regular one!  Me bad!)

We're still early in the morning and Marcel and Dilip finalize things before departing the Geln.

Seanna, Steve and Bill are found at Nelson.

Doug and Pat are as well.

Train 312 gets underway with steam power having been suitably impressed with his "big brother" who brought 302 into the big yard.  This will be the second run of the day for the crew.

Up in Spruce, the crew of 312 handle the facing "Spruce Spur" siding with ease.

I manage an aerial view of some of the new sidings installed at Peter's Pond this season.

Seanna is all smiles as she runs with hubby Steve each week.  
We love having you both with us and we truly appreciate your many contributions!

George and Lens study the weight of the various ore cars pre-ops as Steve and Peter ready their diesel engines for the run on the ore train off in the distance near the turn table and engine house.

Grant examines his orders as Garry brings Train 302 into Bell along Track 4.

Neil conducts a station stop in Ironwood...

...but he hasn't been here since we relocated the depot!

I get a chuckle out of the movement of the cars.

Neil...ya done us proud...operating all three passenger runs with deftness and acumen as shown on this video!  Great job!

CPRail meets Canadian Pacific in Ironwood.

As Passenger 32 clears out, the other crews can resume their efforts here.

Ironwood video footage.

An aerial look at Doug's Canadian Pacific Geep.

Lots of trains...

...and lots of folks.

304 kindly assists the ore train with its lifts from the facing Ironwood Brick siding on this video.

304, in yet another Canadian Pacific paint scheme, throttles through Watkins.

The crew must handle the crossover track as it aims for Track 3 in Bell.

Dilip railfans his train as it crawls along Track 3.  Track 4 will act as a runaround option for the crew should they need to drill the interchange.

304 blushes as it is captured on video tape!

Steve has reduced his engine count as the Ottawa Central takes over sole control of the ore train.  I brought him in to the Glen to avoid all the traffic in Nelson...

...but the RP&M were using the Glen as their lead and eventual starting point as Rat 62.  With their work completed at Lilly, I gave them priority over this track and we used another option to get the ore train through Nelson.

Neil races along beside his train as Passenger 32 crosses the junction trackage at Anderson.

Station stop...Bellamy.

With the "all aboard", the next stop will be Glen Hammond.

We will back the ore train out and either re-route it through the Glen on the left track which is a clear alley at the moment or directly through Nelson Yard with a further backup move.  The Glen Hammond option seems to be the more reasonable one.

It looks like Moe and Pat have Ironwood all to themselves...bonus!

The team track and freight shed track in Ironwood with the Larabie Fuels spur angling off just above the red CPRail car.

Ore reaches Northland.

Love those silver trucks on Steve's power.

Bernie's engineman observes the trucks from his perch in the cab as ore passes by, coming to a stop to back in onto the Northland Ore Dock.

Some lovely sun enhanced video of Steve and Peter's arrival into Craig Leigh.

RP&M 61 works the eastern areas at Bell.

This locomotive handles all it is given and more!
(No video here due to a, shall we say, "service interruption" with the cars on this back-up move...through no fault of the crew I might add.)

Ah...what the heck!  I'll share the video anyway...for the benefit of our Workday Wednesday crew.  
Again, this derailment occurred through no fault of the train crew.  This area requires some addressing by the maintenance department as Pat tells us his locomotive derailed and tipped at this location recently in another session.  
Yes, real railroads encounter these "service interruptions" as does ours...although rarely at all due to the fine maintenance program delivered each Wednesday!

Pat has nicely framed his train for this image using the handrail at the pedestrian walkover.

His RP&M run is rolling east through the Glen.

Video movement of Pat's run.

Pool Train 33 has successfully navigated the big curve at Lilly...

...and threads the needle at the Fred Mills Trestle.

Still up in the air over Brennan Gap...

...the train will find Glen Hammond in mere moments.

Some nice passenger train video work.

Our ore train with this lovely coloured ONRail unit steps down the grade out from Spruce.

The garden stones offer a lovely backdrop for the crew.

Through Clarke Canyon.

Some video reels from the train.

Moe and Pat in Ironwood.

Doug and Gerry in Spruce.

Marcel and Dilip handle their chores with expertise down in Peter's Pond.

They are running around their train along the main with the team track and fishery holding cars in the distance.

Bernie is always a-smile when he is around trains and good friends.

The Nelson Ore Dock which Bernie and Fred assembled in a few days a couple of summers ago.

Oops...where's the station?  It will appear eventually.

Another glance at all that action in Ironwood.

It certainly takes a large crew of folks to run the railroad!

Steve navigates the junction.

Dispatch has cleared him on a "verbal" seeing as the signal was temporarily "out of availability" and remains green.
Situation rectified moments later.

Is Steve having fun?

You betcha!

He's all smiles because he's running ore behind some glorious power!

Let's check out Steve's activities on video shall we!

What's on the Workbench
Currently I am working in HO scale at the workbench.  My latest project is this little gem from American Model Builders which refer to their laser cut offerings as LaserKit.

This is but a few of the items found in the box.

I chose to colour the structure similar to the one on the box cover.  I combined orange and bright red together and then ran a "wash" of black acrylic paint over top.  Note the burnishing tool I am using to press the sign into the clapboard walls. 

Simple "tab in slot" design.

My weights keep thing pressed together wall the glue dries.

Coming along.

There is still a ton of work to be done...

...but it sure is a fun build.

Aha, maties!  It's Skipper Fred...dressed warmly for the fall weather up here in our nation's capital.
Thanks for checking in once again for yet another blog entry with more to come throughout the week!
All the best, Mike and the gang known as the OVGRS, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

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