Saturday, July 18, 2020

Grant's Denver, South Park & Pacific Mogul #71

Grant's DSP&P Mogul #71 Gets a Workout on the IPP&W

This beautiful 2-6-0 was spotted today plying the rails of the IPP&W.
( can enlarge the images by clicking on them and return to the default look of the page by clicking outside them.)

This railfan has caught up with her near the Fallentree Mine.

Earlier, a CN local passed the same spot... the location of the great "Fallen Tree" incident from many years ago!

Much earlier in the morning...

...the mogul was spotted... Peter's Pond.

Engineer Grant with his controller.

The baggage car...


...and...finally, the passenger car.

Marcel and Grant share a smile for this railfan!

Train Extra 71 departs Peter's Pond...

...following the meet with the Union Pacific.

The two lads share some "tales of the trails."

Lawrence and Moe look over the work Fred is doing at Spruce.

Our passenger extra rounds the bend at "the corners".

Fred spikes down some more trackage.

Grant climbs the grade at Watkins Siding.

He had just made a station stop at Wellington Lake...

...but where's the station?

Haven't brought out the depots since this is simply a train running experience...

...and not true operations as yet.

The DSP&P train heads up to Bell...

...where Grant takes to RP&M rails.

About to enter daylight at Rat Portage.

Through to the junction...

...where the "old" meets the "new".

Through Bellamy...

...and rounding the bend...

...on approach to Glenn Hammond.

Arriving the Glenn.

On the outskirts of Nelson Yard.

Tiptoeing onto the big trestle...

...and off again.

Through Lilly.


...over in Spruce...

...our Union Pacific train holds the passing siding.

Moe rounds "the corners".

Grant climbs the grade...

...and rounds the bend with the CN train off in the distance.

The drivers are working hard on the curve on the grade.

Arriving Spruce...


...once again...

...the old meets the new!

Grant has made the terminus in Craig Leigh and takes the wye.. Mike's train is ready to depart.

We will follow Mike's train in our next blog entry...where...

...we will check in on this latest acquisition to the railroad...

...which railfan Mike spotted in the consist of the DSP&P passenger run.

So...stay tuned for our next entry sometime in the near future.

Grant, it was a joy following your train along the line!
Thanks to Fred for hosting the seven or eight of us who were able to make it out on this morning!
All the best, Mike Hamer, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

1 comment:

  1. Great set of pictures! The redo of Spruce looks terrific! Only thing missing from the scene is the invading hordes of Americans. Sorry that the event was postponed -- hopefully next year will be better! Stay safe!
